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Fishing Report

Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

John Fochetti Reports on 4.7.2016

Fishing this last week has been pretty good considering how nice the weather was. I saw the largest number of fish to hand in a day this year, and to top it off my client Brent Rhylick got a 16 pounder to end things off. So,even if it is a slow day keep stir you never know when a big one could cruise by, and if your flies aren’t in the...

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Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

John Fochetti reports in 3.31.2016

Clearwater Lodge 916-337-8598

The last few weeks have been up and down, there has been some great days and some very slow days. When there has been some cloud cover and wind its been on. When its been bright, sunny and calm not so great through most of the day. However if you get out super early you are usually going to pick up some fish. Im...

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Pyramid Fly Fishing Report

John Fochetti Reports 3.10.2016

The lake definitely back…on fire that is… know I said it had slowed a little bit last week, and it did for like 3 days. Its been crazy good again this last week with huge numbers and more huge fish. Like always its better on days where there is some cloud cover and or wind. If you get a combo of both it can be silly out there. Today was the best day Ive seen all...

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Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Jim Stimson Reports on 3.9.2016

Fishing at Pyramid Lake is always entertaining. I was there last week with a buddy John Fochetti. We were standing on ladders, not too far apart, exchanging stories and catching up on lost time. Right after he said laughing, “You see the weirdest things out here sometimes,” an older gentleman, perhaps in his mid-seventies, got a sudden and abrupt grab. He had been...

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Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing

John Fochetti Reports on 3.2.2016

Phone 916.337.8598


Pyramid was a bit slower this last week due to the nice weather. With no wind and bright sunny skies early morning and evening produced the bite. There was not as many fish caught in the 15-20 pound range but still plenty around ten pounds.


However, this next week has plenty of rain, snow, wind and clouds in the forecast. So I would definitely...

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Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

John Fochetti Fly Fishing reports on 2.25.2016

The lake has been on fire the last few weeks. Double digit numbers have been more common than not. Eight out of the last ten days on the water have seen a ten plus pound fish, with many above fifteen pounds. Two days ago the biggest fish I’ve personally seen was taken at 22 pounds!

Sunrise to about ten or eleven o'clock and then about two...

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Truckee/Tahoe Fly Fishing Report

Matt Koles reports on 12.29.2015

Cold is the word this week.

After a very cold weekend we have warmed a bit. Not much, but enough to melt some of the anchor ice/ shelf ice, along the Truckee River. Kinda feel sorry for anyone that tried to fish the river this last weekend, just way to cold. Things have warmed a bit and afternoon sunshine should thaw things out and get some fish moving around....

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Pyramid Lake and Truckee River Report

Matt Gilligan Koles Reports on 12.3.2015

Warming up, thawing out, and waiting for El Nino to roll in.

The Truckee River

has been very cold, low flows, and massive anchor ice forming. It has not been a good week to fish the river. With the low flows and extremely low air temps this last week, anchor ice has formed on almost it’s entire length. That was the coldest we’ve been since ’13. It was -14...

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Pyramid Lake and Truckee River Report

Matt Gilligan Koles Reports on 11.12.2015


Pyramid Lake:

It finally feels like the old Pyramid Lake I remember in November, you know, freezing your ass off and catching big cutts. It is winter now in the high desert.

This weeks storm left a good coating of the white stuff on all the peaks in and around the lake. We had a good chop, (wind) and pretty raw/ gnarly conditions to fly fish in this week....

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Matt “Gilligan” Koles reports on 10.21.2015

The fly fishing is starting to get a little more interesting out at Pyramid Lake in Nevada. Interesting meaning the fish are starting to cruise into the beaches from time to time. Surface water temps have lowered 5 degrees since the opener on October 1st. I’m guessing the shore fishing will get going in just a few...

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