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Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

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John Fochetti reports in 3.31.2016

Clearwater Lodge 916-337-8598

The last few weeks have been up and down, there has been some great days and some very slow days. When there has been some cloud cover and wind its been on. When its been bright, sunny and calm not so great through most of the day. However if you get out super early you are usually going to pick up some fish. Im still seeing plenty of good fish being caught on a daily basis.

The bite has definitely shifted away from the balanced leeches over to chironomids. Blacks and reds producing are the most fish, and most of mine are not very flashy.

The next week or so weather is going to be nice so get out early or stay until dark. The fish are starting to cruise around like crazy, and with a little creativity they can be caught. Dont give up on stripping big stuff either…..

I still have a few days available in April let me know if any work for you.
April 3,10,22-25

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