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Fishing Report

Deschutes River Fly Fishing Report

Deschutes River Fly Fishing Report

Cory Godell Reports on 10.23.20

This has by know means a record setting year in terms of steelhead numbers. But the numbers are better than last season and a good chunk of the steelhead are two salt fish instead of one salt. The problem this season seems like whenever we would get a decent slug of new fish in the river the White River would act up and blow out the Deschutes for several days. The good news right now is that the White seems to of simmered down and shouldn't act up as much from here on out. With the cooler night it should help keep things more stable in the hills, which means the Lower Deschutes should remain clear and fishable from top to bottom the rest of the season.

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Deschutes River Fly Fishing Report

Deschutes River Fly Fishing Report

Cory Godell Reports on 6.20.20

There is some good news on the horizon. Summer is finally here and with the return of warmer weather, Caddis season is really starting to crank up. Even better news is due to the current world situation, there are considerably fewer people fishing the Deschutes than in years past. If you’ve got a day or two or three open for vacation, give us a shout.

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Deschutes River Fly Fishing Report

Deschutes River Fly Fishing Report
Phase 1 fishing in effect!  It was a rush to get back to the river once it opened up on the 21st of May. Everyone was in a lather to catch the tail end of the hallowed and revered salmon fly and golden stone hatch. It did not disappoint. Fishing was good and big bugs where still out and about. Flash forward to the present….big bugs are about petered out. You might get some to go on them, sure, residual memory of yummy big morsels. Especially in the Warm Springs - Trout Creek area. With the clouds and cooler weather the mayflies have rounded out the dry fly action, and it has been pretty decent. We are in the transition zone. As things warm up we’ll shift to caddis. So come prepared with PMD, PED, and baetis patterns ( nymph and dry) and your caddis sections and pick your poison- nymph or dry and start poking around. They will switch over to the summer time menu soon. If not already. Crowds have been light, fishing has been good, if you need to get out of the house we have availability and can help socially distance you into some good fishing. Continue reading

Deschutes River Fly Fishing Report 3.10.2020

Deschutes River Fly Fishing Report 3.10.2020
Cory Godell Reports on 3.10.2020
It’s time to find any excuse you can to get to the river. The Deschutes is fishing really good and there’s hardly a soul on the river. With all the amazing sunshine and warm weather and we’ve been having, it has put the Deschutes and its hatches into over drive. The BWO’s are already all but gone for the spring, but the March Browns are already showing in good to great numbers most days. The March Browns have been showing up sometime around 1:00 during the warmer part of the day. If you have some Parachute Adams in a couple different sizes, that will cover most of the dry flies you will need this time of season. If there isn’t any bugs flying around, try nymphing a heavy stonefly nymph with a pheasant tail dropper. This is usually a good combo anytime on the Deschutes. 
Hope you are all healthy and safe in this funny time.
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Deschutes River Fly Fishing Report

Deschutes River Fly Fishing Report

Cory Godell Reports on 10.23.2019

It hasn’t been the easiest of years for steelhead, but we are still able to find a few most days. Most days there doesn’t seem any reason to get out of bed for first light, the majority of the fish we are catching are in the  late morning to early afternoon. We’ve had most of our luck fishing light sink tips with big intruder patterns. 
Trout fishing on the other hand has been real good. On the cloudy days we have been getting some good mayfly hatches around 1 o'clock. On the sunny days the caddis seem to be the better bet. There are some size 16’s flying around and still some big october caddis still lingering around. If for some reason the bugs don’t show, a stonefly nymph is never a bad bet under a strike indicator.
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Dechutes River Fly Fishing Report

Dechutes River Fly Fishing Report


Trout fishing on the Lower Deschutes still remains good. With the overcast days we’ve been having, there have been some good BWO hatches showing up in the heat of the day. Make sure you have some Parachutes Adams in size 16’s for that mid-day hatch. For nymphs, Pheasant Tails are a good fly anytime there are Mayflies around and Stonefly nymphs are always a good bet on the Deschutes.


More and more steelhead are showing up above Maupin, but it seems like a good chunk of the fish are still down river. With the day and night temps way below average, things are freezing in the mountains which is helping clear the White River. Even though the air temps have been below average, the Deschutes water temps are about as ideal as we could ask for right now. For anyone who enjoys swinging flies for steelhead, you can’t ask for better conditions than we are having right now. Tight Lines

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Deschutes Fly Fishing Report

Deschutes Fly Fishing Report
Cory Godell reports on 07.18.19
Fishing has been a little on the slower side lately, because of the full moon and the slightly cooler than average temperatures.  The mornings and evenings are definitely your best bet if you are looking for some dry fly action. During the heat of the day, you will probably want to do some nymphing. Traditional nymphing or Czech nymphing have both been working, you just have to pick the right spot for each. X-Caddis have worked as good as any dry fly of late, Stonefly nymphs and sparkle pupas have been the ticket for the nynphs. Hot temperatures are on the way which  warms the water temps quickly and gets the caddis hatches firing strong which should make for some of the best dry fly fishing of the season.
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Deschutes Fly Fishing Report

Deschutes Fly Fishing Report
Caddis season in now here and in full affect. Look for back eddies and about any shady spot under trees and you will find fish rising. All you need 80% of the day is an Elk Hair Caddis or EC Caddis. Usually in the middle of the day the rising fish slow down for a few hours, if this happens get you nymph rod out and tie on some sort of caddis rock worm and a caddis emerger and this will help fight through the hot part of the day. This coming week the weather is suppose to warm up even more which should get even more bugs hatching and more fish rising. It’s a simple game this time of year, caddis, caddis, caddis.
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