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Fishing Report

Matt Heron Reports 05/29/24: Truckee River Area

Matt Heron Reports 05/29/24: Truckee River Area


Truckee River Area:

Again, not a lot to report as far as changes to the river this week. We’re continuing to see a Yo-Yo pattern with snowmelt and the flows.

Not surprisingly, last week’s drop in flows stopped once it warmed up again. Through town and above Boca we’re seeing swings from 650-750cfs. Below Boca, Canyon flows are from 1200-1400 on average. These are very fishable flows for down there, but make sure you’re fishing the slow water along the edges and banks. Water temps are still around the mid-40s and fish have yet to consistently move into faster water.

Depending on what report you read last from me, it may or may not have included Carpenter Ants. Last week they totally disappeared, this week they are back again. So, make sure you have a half dozen with you to fish as single dry, or even a dry dropper.

We are continuing to see afternoon Baetis and March Brown hatches. That said, Blue Wings are out 50:1 to the March Browns. If you get lucky, you’ll find the occasional fish on top, but there’s not many. Another reason to have some big Carpenter Ants around to blind cast. Rubberlegs with a baetis dropper are the ticket.

We’ve continued to get a few fish on swung soft hackles and small leech patterns. It’s been super fun for our clients that have committed to it!

Those 50-degree water temps are right around the corner, it’s time to start stocking that box up with PMDs, Yellow Sallies, Golden Stones and Crayfish. Prime summer conditions will be here before we know it!

Quick Reports…

NV Side, Truckee River

The NV side continues to fish very well though runoff. The water should be dropping more by the week and our regular guests are gearing up for streamer time down there. Same bugs as the C.A. but start looking for PMD adults too. June and early July can kick out some of the best browns of the year if your streamer game is on point. Read a bit more HERE.

Middle Fork, Feather River

The MF continues to fish well this week and should for quite a while. Our guides are consistently getting our guests into fish from 10-17 inches. It’s been a good mix of indicator fishing and dry flies. You could even say it’s prime time!

BWOs, Yellow Sallies and Caddis are all on the menu. Most dry fly action has been in the afternoon.

Sawmill Lake

Sawmill Lake has started out with a bang this year. Like years past, the early season bite is pumping out some really big fish, full of “piss and vinegar” as my dad says. Bobbers, stripping and some dry fly opportunities are all on the menu this time of year.

Daily Classes

Our summer classes are open for the year and fishing has been fantastic. Our private, stocked pond is full of beautiful rainbows and our students are catching fish every day. If you or anyone you know is looking to improve their cast, or practice their fish fighting skills, you can learn more HERE

Feel free to drop Lu and a note if you're looking to get in on the action with one of our amazing guides or instructors this summer. Spots won't last long, especially once the hatches get going!

Matt Heron Fly Fishing
School and Outfitter
Truckee, Lake Tahoe, Olympic Valley


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Central Valley Fly Fishing Report

Central Valley Fly Fishing Report
Jon Baiocchi Reports on 7.1.20
As a guide and a fly angler in Eastern Plumas National Forest, it’s all about keeping close tabs on the surrounding waters and when to switch gears. Now that Lake Davis Surface temperatures are at 73, and the Middle Fork Feather River is in the upper 60’s with growing rock snot, it’s time to go to where the cold water is – The creeks of the Lost Sierra and the upper watershed of the North Fork Yuba River. I actually look forward to this time of year, as do my guests, the diehard small water junkies. In the last four years I have noticed many more fly anglers are drawn to the simplicity of the creek trips with me. Less pressure, unbound beauty, dry flies, 0 to 3 weight rods, wild critters, and raw adventure. If you really enjoy fly fishing, you’ll have a great time boulder hopping your way upstream among the pocket water while stalking shy and elusive trout. The creeks around the Graeagle area are in prime shape right now and the fishing is very good. Water levels are right about where they should be for this time of year. Water temperatures are 57 in the morning, rising to 61 in the afternoon. Most of my guests do not realize how gnarly navigating some of the creeks are in the Lost Sierra and the watersheds with a steep descending gradient is hard work while making your way upstream.

The older you are, the more prepared one has to be, and many of the serious creekin’ warriors will often train at the gym (now the home gym thanks to covid) just so they can enjoy the day. Fueling your body every few hours and staying hydrated is just as important as being in good physical shape. Training for fishing? Yeah, it’s needed if you really want to be at the next level of maximum performance. You won’t find prolific hatches on the creeks like the Middle Fork Feather River, but mostly caddis flies, a few stone flies, and the occasional mayfly like the chocolate dun. The wild trout that inhabit these waters have a very short feeding season, so they are very eager to most anything you offer them. Terrestrials will become very important in the next few months, namely ants, hoppers, and beetles. Reading water correctly and presentation is by far more effective than the latest and greatest fly. Your leader set up and rigging is fairly easy for creekin’, but the length is really important when it comes to shorter rods. I first take a factory 7.5 foot mono tapered leader to 5x and cut the last 36” or so off (where it starts the transition to a thicker diameter). I’ll then attach a 2mm tippet ring, and then reattach 24 to 36” of 5x tippet. That way you’re only replacing the last section of level 5x tippet throughout the season. I never go lighter than 5x either due to the fish being so eager and not leader shy, plus it takes the abuse of hitting rocks and streamside vegetation so much better than 6 or 7x. For rods less than 7.5 feet, chop off a foot of the butt section on the leader.

Here are a few tips that will keep you in the game and be more successful while plying the creeks:

1) Keep your fly as dry as possible when making surface presentations. This includes false casting more, blotting the water from your fly with an absorbent cloth, then using your shake and bake desiccant. Those trout like it high and dry! Also when walking from spot to spot, don’t drag your dry fly though the water. Take care of it like a newborn child. Lastly, treat your fly as if you’re managing a hockey team. When your player is tired (sinking frequently) put it on the bench (your fly patch), and put in a fresh player (tie a new fly on).

2) You got to be quick with the hook set. At the same time, once you hook into a little one, you must back off on the power and follow through or you will launch it to another universe. Be careful when you go back to fishing for larger tout, especially big brown trout as they ingest your dry fly so much slower. Quick hook sets will not work with them.

3) Often the bigger fish will be in a small pocket or a slot next to the side of the creek. They prefer their own private lie. I look for dark water with depth, not matter how small it is. Pin point accuracy is often needed for the nooks and crannies.

4) A wading staff is a must no matter your age. I always think I can get away without using one, but in the end you’ll be much safer if you use one. The third leg is the missing link…

5) Use good wading boots with ankle support that are thickly padded. I use my regular wading boots with neoprene socks, and for good reason. You’ll be wedging your feet in between cracks both below and above water on dry rocks. Those skimpy creek shoes that most companies make will not cut it in the watersheds of the Northern Sierra. You need something hardy and durable. You’ll also want studs and not the smooth kind, but studs that have a roughed up surface to adhere to dry granite and basalt rock.

Town has been busy with folks, like way too many. Campgrounds are full and the roads and highways are buzzing with traffic. Even so, on our last couple of creek trips we saw no other anglers, the further you hike away from the access points, the more solitude one finds, with better fishing.

See you in the land of canyon water…

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North Fork Yuba Fly Fishing Report

North Fork Yuba Fly Fishing Report
Just a few subtle changes for the North Fork Yuba River than my last report, but the bottom line it’s still fishing really well for the most beautiful wild rainbows you’ll ever find in the Northern Sierra. I’ve been guiding and fishing the upper watershed and the water temps still remain cool even during this latest stretch of near Africa heat. You’ll want to find sections of the river that are more remote, the popular and easy access areas have been pounded and less than average catch results show just that. After this coming weekend, the crowds will slowly disappear and the canyon will quiet down. You can sleep in a little longer with the oncoming shorter days as well. My guests and I have been finding some pockets and slots that hold many multiple fish, while other areas seem void of any. If you’re not getting hits, move on upstream and cover more water. The rubber legged yellow Stimulator has been receiving much more attention lately now that most of the caddis have laid their eggs and waned. You’ll still want to carry some Elk Hair Caddis and E/C Caddis though – Gray has been the best color too. Reckless abandon on the subsurface ant dropper, the takes are so aggressive! Other top dropper flies have been Hogan’s Red Headed Step Child, Psycho Prince, and Flashback Pheasant Tails in smaller sizes. Extend your dropper length over 2 feet for the deeper pools, it makes a difference.
October caddis

If you plan on fishing the NFYR this fall, check out the package deal that Sierra Pines Resort is offering – Yeah, the place with the trout pond full of lunkers right next to Hwy 49. You’ll get breakfast, dinner, a room, and a reduced guide fee. The section of the river that the resort is located on has some really good water as well. I hold the LCO Fly Fishing 101 classes here and this year’s test run went well, but we are looking for more eager students in 2020. The classes consist of casting, rigging, knots, equipment overview, fly selection, reading water, presentations, and stream etiquette. You’ll also receive an informative handout that you’ll refer to time and time again in the future. The class is designed so you can gain the knowledge and skills to be able to fish on your own with confidence. Look for announcements and upcoming dates in the future, or inquire first hand at the shop.

As we near the end of summer into fall, the middle and lower watershed will fish much better once the water temps come down. With shorter days and less sunshine, fish during the warmest time of the day. The beauty of the lower river is that it offers a wider canyon which receives more all day sun, plus there can be bigger trout in the system. It won’t be long before the pupating October caddis start chewing their way out of their fine pebbled case and emerging. The great pumpkin bug hatch, a must experience. See you where the wild things are…

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North Fork Yuba River Fly Fishing Report

North Fork Yuba River Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi Reports on 8.23.19

Not much change from my last report, still great fishing, and plenty of solitude. I'm starting my guide trips a little later with the days getting shorter, and for whatever reason those North Fork Yuba wild rainbows prefer sunshine on the water. Water temps are ranging from 57 in the morning to 63 in the afternoon in the upper watershed. One thing I notice on this river after a big runoff year is that you'll find more concentrations of fish in certain pockets and pools, while other areas on the river are mostly devoid of fish. I'm guessing when huge hydraulics are in effect, the smaller rainbows go with the flow and end up where they can survive. 

Caddis remain the preferred food item and larger elk hair caddis patterns in gray, amber, and olive are producing. The Jonny B. UV Ant Bomb has been crushing them and all of the bigger fish are suckers for this pattern. I may have to have this pattern contracted out and tied as there is nothing like it on the market. Simple too. New shucks of Stub Wing stoneflies (Claassenia sabulosa) have been appearing for quite a while now. They are often referred to as "Nocturnal Stones", but most stoneflies hatch in the dark no matter the species. Go look under the bridge at the Rosaschi Ranch bridge in the middle of the night in February and you'll see quite the show of emerging Goldens and Skwalas.

Fall is just around the corner, and if one slows down and observes you can see the many clues Mother Nature provides. We'll really see a difference in a few weeks with a reduced amount of traffic on the roads and in the forests. I've said this many times and I'll say it again - Get out there and enjoy your public lands! See you on the water...

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