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Pyramid Lake and Truckee River Report

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Matt Gilligan Koles Reports on 12.3.2015

Warming up, thawing out, and waiting for El Nino to roll in.

The Truckee River

has been very cold, low flows, and massive anchor ice forming. It has not been a good week to fish the river. With the low flows and extremely low air temps this last week, anchor ice has formed on almost it’s entire length. That was the coldest we’ve been since ’13. It was -14 here in the Hirsch. Now it is warming and the anchor ice is melting, (today) and with Thursdays warmish storm, flows should come up some and fishing will be decent again. Like I say, the river should come up this week some, and with a continued parade of storms it should come up big time. El Nino years usually offer good winter time fishing as most of the storms are warm. Just have to watch the flows because the river can get pumping. I don’t think that’s an if, but more like a when. We have some very good winter fishing on the Truckee River when things warm up and flows are good. Stay tuned.

The Little Truckee River

can be a much better option right now as it is a tailwater and the water is warmer than on the main Truckee River. Purdy darn good dry fly fishing too right now.

Pyramid Lake

has been good. Sure, I’ve had some shitty days out at the lake, but if you can stay until dark even on those slow days you should get some grabs. Cloud cover and wind are your friend, but it is winter now at the lake and the quantity will drop, but the quality will go up. You just have to man up, brace the cold, cast your ass off, and wait for them big nasty cutthroat to cruise in.

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