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Fishing Report

Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

Matt Koles, Gilligan’s Guide Service

Pyramid Lake  was on fire this weekend with the storms. Cloud cover wind and chop makes for an all day bite out at the lake. Now that high pressure is building back in this week it will be an early or late bite again. Shooting heads with the black bugger/ popcorn beetle has been the ticket. The bobber gang have been catching fish too. Fish will cruise in at some...

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Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

Matt Koles, Gilligan’s Guide Service

Pyramid Lake has been much like the Truckee River. High pressure= stagnant fishing. If you have some weather/ wind the fishing usually is descent. It has been mainly a first light and evening bite. There has been some really big fish caught in the afternoons over the last few weeks, mainly off the shooting heads on black buggers and popcorn beetles. Look for...

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Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

Doug Ouellette, Calvada Fly Fishing
Over the last few days the fishing at Pyramid Lake has picked up considerably.  A storm came in and things got real good real quick.  It is still a late afternoon - evening grab though. From 3pm until dark has been best.  Good numbers of fish were caught Sunday and Mondayevenings with a good number of 10 to 12 pounders released. The majority of fish were...
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Doug Ouellette, Calvada Fly Fishing The fishing this week at Pyramid Lake has been consistent with...

Doug Ouellette, Calvada Fly Fishing

The fishing this week at Pyramid Lake has been consistent with the last three weeks. Evening grab from 3pmuntil dark has been best. First light is good but usually the grab is usually a short one. Very slow, tough fishing numbers wise throughout the daylight hours. Popcorn Beetles have been a good producer in the late afternoon and evening. Again numbers are...
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Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

Doug Ouellette, Calvada Fly Fishing

The fishing this week at Pyramid has been very tough throughout the daylight hours. The best grab has been first light and again in the evening. The evenings have been consistent from 3:15pm to 5:00pm. Yesterday an angler released a HUGE Summit fish that weighed OVER 20lbs. and measured 35 inches! Popcorn Beetles have dominated the beach. This evening we...

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Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

Doug Ouellette, Calvada Fly Fishing

While some guys decided to take a break from Pyramid Lake to fish other local reservoirs this week, we continued to fish Pyramid daily.  This week Pyramid Lake produced some outstanding BIG Lahontan cutthroats. Most of the mid day fishing has been very tough , however the late afternoon grab from 2:30until dark has been very good. Some days have been better than...
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Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

Doug Ouellette, Calvada Fly Fishing
This week at Pyramid Lake was about the same as last week. It was good early in the mornings and also late in the afternoons. Again from2:30 until dark produced some very nice fish with a good number of 10 plus pounders.
Most productive patterns this week are the “Original Popcorn Beetle” (3mm foam), Black wooly buggers, Black/Red Balanced Leeches, Small Black...
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Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

Doug Ouellette, Calvada Fly Fishing
The fishing at Pyramid remains a bit spotty.  It has been best early in the morning and again in the afternoon. The late afternoon grab has been best. Saturday was very slow but on Sunday there was a great late afternoon grab just before the storm hit.  From 2:30to dark we released several nice Lahontan Cutthroat from 5 to 12 lbs. with three fish over 10lbs. !...
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Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

Doug Ouellette, Calvada Fly Fishing
The fishing this week at Pyramid picked up with not only good numbers of fish caught but also some MONSTAS up to 18 pounds! The storms that are moving through the area are mixing things up. It is a great time to get after these enormous fish. The north end of the lake has been better for numbers of smaller fish with some fish going 7 to 12 pounds. The south end...
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