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Fishing Report

Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Jarett Coons reports on January 18th, 2025

SMTGS Report for Owens River:

After an unusually warm December, the nights have
finally gotten cold. Water temps on most our streams
are hovering around 40F*. No need to get out early,
most surface action gets going late morning to
midday. The best advice for this time of year is to get
it on the bottom and watch for VERY subtle takes.

Upper Owens- 89 cfs:

The pressure has eased a bit up here as the holiday
crowds have gone. Fish have been a little picky and
aren’t being fooled as easily with the egg and bacon
combo. Try nymphing with small attractors and
midge patterns. Look for surface activity around
midday on days that get warm enough. Make sure
you are barbless above Benton Crossing
Bridge! It gets cold up here, be ready to crack ice
out of your guides.

Parachute Adams #18-24, Parachute Midge
Emerger #20-24, San Juan Worms #14-12 
Orange, light pink, champagne egg patterns #12-
Black and olive Tiger Midge/ Zebra Midge #18-22
Jig Flashback Hares Ears #14-18
Mercer's Micro May #16-18

Lower Owens-75 cfs:

It’s a good time for dry flies on the Lower O. The
midge hatches get going late morning and the big
baetis should start showing up any day. Hatches
aren’t always river wide and can be isolated to
certain places, so if you don’t see them at hatch time,
you may have to go hunt. Fish are hugging tight to
bottom and cover. It’s not uncommon for them to
have leeches attached this time of year. So again,
get it down and watch for subtle takes. The nymph
bite has been a little tricky, try stripping a streamer if
you get frustrated.

Parachute Adams #18-24, Parachute Midge,
Emerger #20-24, Olive Sparkle Dun #16-18, Last Chance Cripple #16-18
BWO Dun #16-18, E/C Caddis #16-18
Black and olive Tiger Midge/ Zebra Midge #18-22, Jig Flashback Hares Ears #14-18
Grey-olive Soft Hackles #18-22, Mercer's Micro May #16-18
Olive, black, white Wooley Bugger Variations #10-6

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Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

J. Coons reports on November 16th, 2024


Eastern Sierra Fishing Report

The regular fishing season has closed and we are at my favorite
time of year… the off season!! The crowds are gone, the air temps
are dropping and we have some great fishing on the horizon.
Make sure to check regulations as they have changed for the
fall/winter season.

Hot Creek- 50cfs
The crowds are gone and pressure will continue to ease as it gets
colder. Nymphing is most productive early until the BWO's get
going. Remember, matching body size, shape and color is key
here. Try nymphing little mayflies or grey scud patterns.
Casting streamers upstream and ripping them down through the
lanes can produce savage takes! Yes, the streamer works in Hot

E/C Caddis #18-22, Black Cripple #20-22, Jarett’s CDC Emerger

Sexy Waltz #14-18, Crosscut Scud #14-18, Biot Baetis #18-22,
Barr Emerger #18-22

Olive Bugger Variations #4-6, Jig Sculpin, #4-6, Cone Head
Muddler #4-6

Upper Owens- 57cfs (east portal)
113cfs (below east portal).

The section below Benton Crossing Bridge to Crowley Lake has
closed. Make you are fishing above it and check double check
regs as they have removed the monument boundary.
Like always, be sneaky and cover water. Nymphing small
attractors and midge larva is the go to way to produce fish until
you see risers. But, if you want to break the monotony, try dead
drifting streamers. Stripping works well too, but dead drifting them
can be lots of fun!

Midge Larva Variations #-18-24, Grey/Olive Hares Ear #18-20,
Waltz Worm #14-16, Black Perdigons #16-18, Prince Nymph #14-

E/C Caddis #18-20, Jarett’s CDC Emerger #18-22, Parachute
Adam’s #18-24, Trico Cripple #20-24

Olive and Black Bugger Variations #4-8, Zoo Cougar #4-6, Ice
Dub Baitfish #10-8

Lower Owens- 148cfs
The flows here have just dropped down to 148cfs, kicking off our
winter wade/drift season. Wading should be nice and easy. Lots
of little stuff this time of year. Baetis and midge patterns in size
#18-24 are a good place to start. A nice BWO hatch starts
midday. Try something different, nymph scud patterns or strip
streamers. There are lots of baitfish that provide a big meal and
these trout love to chomp on them. Remember, sculpin don’t have
air bladders so keep that streamer on the bottom if imitating them.

Parachute BWO/Adam’s #18-22, Parachute Midge Emerger #20-
24, Jarett’s CDC Emerger #18-22, Barr Emerger #18-20

Biot Beatis #18-22, Grey Soft Hackle #18-22, Midge Larva #18-
24, Sexy Waltz #16-18, P.T. Variations #18-22

Zoo Cougar #4-6, Olive Bugger Variations #4-6, Baby Fat Minnow
#4, Conehead Zonker Muddler #4- 6


J. Coons
Sierra Mountain trout Guide Service
Big Pine, CA



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Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Sierra Bright Dot Fly Fishing Guide Service reports on Nov. 8th, 2024

The first week of November came in cold. The highest of peaks have a fresh layer of snow. Been wearing a jacket more than I want to admit. Insect activity has been most active middle of the day and nymphing has been the most successful method to fool the trout. Midges, mayflies and caddis continue to hatch. Pulling streamers is a great way to catch a trophy trout in the fall.

Lower Owens River
Wild Trout Section: Flows are expected to lower starting the middle of November. For now flows in the 400 CFS range makes it unsafe to wade the river. Fly fishers fishing from the few bank accessible spots are catching a few trout on nymphs. Key to success is having enough weight on the leader to allow the nymphs to bounce on the substrate.

Hot Creek
Interpretive Site: Colder weather has slowed down the hatches. Blue wing olive mayflies are hatching middle of the morning. Use a size 20 blue wing olive parachute, size 20 olive sparkle dun and size 18 and 20 Adams parachutes. If you
have troubles seeing size 20 and smaller dry flies on the surface try fishing with a dry and dry rig. Use a bigger dry fly like a size 16 Parachute Adams, size 14 Stimulator or size 12 Chernobyl Ant as an indicator. Attach three feet of 5X or 6X monofilament with a clinch knot to the bend of the dry fly. This allows the fly fisher to catch surface feeding trout on very small dry flies.

Hot Creek
Canyon Section: This is a great time to be fly fishing with a dry and dropper rig. I like fishing with a size 16 Parachue Adams for the dry and a size 18 olive Quilldigon, size 18 bead head Flashback Pheasant Tail nymph and size 18 Zebra and Tiger Midges. Fishing this rig in the runs between the weed beds and in the deeper holes will produce
wild brown and rainbow trout. If you see rising fish use a size 20 Parachute BWO, size 20 olive Sparkle Dun and size 20 Parachute Adams.

Crowley Lake
Whiskey Bay: I like pulling streamers from the banks of Whiskey Bay when the marina closes the last Sunday of October. The lake closes to fishing on November 15 th, 2024. I fish olive or black size 6 or 10 Wooly Buggers, Slumpbusters and size 10 perch colored Balanced Leeches. I tie in a size 16 Prince nymph, size 14 bead head Flashback Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear and size 14 bead head callibaetis nymph about 20 inches above the streamer. Using an indicator with midges and Balanced Leeches will produce fish for fly fishers who do not want to pull streamers.

Upper Owens River
Above Benton Crossing Bridge: There is an increase in trophy trout in the upper Owens River, but they are still not in the river system in big concentration. I like to fish the deep holes, deep runs and cut banks where the trout are resting and feeding on their migration up river. My preferred method of fly fishing for the trophy trout is to Euro nymph with size 12 stoner nymphs, size 12 green/gold wire Prince nymphs and size 18 olive Quilldigons. Throwing steamers is a great way to cover lots of water looking for those few trophy trout in the river. I fish streamers downstream and only make four to six casts through each water type before moving on to find the next place to pull my streamers through. Fish with olive or black size 6 or 10 Wooly Buggers and Slumpbusters. Size 18 bead head Flashback Pheasant Tail nymphs, size 16 bead head Flashback Gold Ribbed Hares Ears, size 18 Tiger, Zebra and blood midges on the substrate and size 20 Parachute BWO is producing non trophy trout from 3 to 12 inches.

Bishop Creek Canal
Behind Bishop Veterinary Hospital: Low water levels and spooky trout await fly fishers casting flies into Bishop Creek Canal. To keep from spooking trout I’m fishing with a dry fly as the indicator because it does not spook the trout like a foam style indicator will. For the dry fly use a size 14 Stimulator or a size 16 Parachute Adams. For the nymphs use size 18 olive Quilldigons, size 18 bead head Flashback Pheasant Tail nymphs, size16 bead head Flashback Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear and size 18 blood, Zebra and Tiger midges.
• Instagram @sierrabrightdot
• Facebook – Sierra Bright Dot Fly Fishing Guide Service
• YouTube - Sierra Bright Dot Fly Fishing
• (760) 920-8325



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Eastern Sierra Spring Fishing Report

Jarrett Coons Reports on 5.08.2024

Eastern Sierra: So, the main season is open and temps are a little cooler than usual. We had a few late storms and still have a good snowpack in the mountains that is slowly starting to melt. Runoff has not hit in force and most streams are still at pre-runoff flows, aside from the Lower Owens (currently at a high of 522 cfs)- not very fishable and not very safe! Be careful near the edge of the river as large chunks of bank can break off (Sometimes while your on them!) and pin you underwater. The ticks will be showing up soon too!
 Eastern Sierra Trout Fishing
Crowley Lake: The lake is open and full to the brim, most fish are being caught deep in 20-30'. This seems to be the new normal and has us experimenting with new and better ways to fish deep. Midges and leeches are my go to flies this time of year.
It's also time for the cutthroats to leave Crowley Lake to spawn in the tributaries. Please be aware of redds and try not to wade in the shallow gravel bars where these fish will be making nests. If you have to wade or cross the river do it in deeper water where you are less likely to disturb redds.
Southern Owens Valley: The Largemouth Bass fishing has been great in the Southern Owens Valley. The Owen's River ditches and canals have been producing nice fish this month, most in the 3-5lb. range. Baitfish and crawdad patterns have been best.
All we need is a few warm days in a row and it should get the ponds and carp flats going. I think it's going to happen this week, if this cold wind would stop!
Southern Owens Valley Bass Fishing
Hot Creek (Interpretive Site): There are not many trout feeding on the surface of the creek. Nymphing is the successful method of fly fishing the creek. Using a dry and a dropper is a good way to nymph fish the creek without spooking the trout with the splashing of an indicator. For the dry fly fish with a size 16 Adams parachute, size 10 Chernobyl ants and size 12 stimulator. For nymphs use size 18 olive quildigons, size 18 bead head flash back pheasant tail nymph, size 16 Frenchie’s, size 18 tiger midge and size 18 zebra midges.
Hot Creek (Canyon Section):
Nymphing with a dry and dropper has been excellent in the canyon section of Hot Creek. The trout are feeding on blue wing olive nymphs that are active on the substrate. Any blue wing olive nymph in size 16 or 18 will work. I like to fish with bead head flash back pheasant tail nymphs, olive quilldigons, Frenchie’s and
hot spot pheasant tail nymphs. Other nymphs that produce in Hot Creek in the spring are olive burlap caddis, scuds, tiger midges and zebra midges. For the dry fly in the dry and dropper rig on Hot Creek use size 16 Adams parachutes, size 10 Chernobyl ants, size 12 or 14 Stimulators and size 14 Elk Hair Caddis. The best time to fish the creek is from 9:30 to 2:00 P.M.
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Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Jim Stimson Reports on 10.7.20

Get it while it lasts, the autumn colors that is. October is a magical time of year in the Eastern Sierra; the shadows are long, the mornings are crisp, and the mountains are speckled with the yellows, golds, and reds of autumn. The best fall foliage can be found along the S Fork of Bishop Creek, Rock Creek, and Conway Summit. Enjoy!

The Inyo National Forest has reopened, kind of….. Good luck finding some logic and continuity with the current regulations. The front country has reopened to dispersed camping, but the wilderness areas are closed until December 1st. There are no campfires allowed! None. Everything is tinder dry from a meager winter and hot, crispy summer. Mono and Inyo Counties are requiring the use of face masks with the pandemic. Please respect local businesses, each other, and be good stewards of the land. Thank you!

East Walker

The flows are at 19 cfs, extremely low and boney.The Bridgeport Reservoir is about as low as I have ever seen it. Personally, I am going to give the river a rest….. it was a great summer.

West Walker

I believe the West Walker has reopened (it flows thru a different National Forest). That said, having recently driven thru the canyon the conditions are low, boney, and clear. Seek out the deeper, longer runs and go into stealth mode as the water is gin clear. Walk quietly as you approach the river, maintain a low profile, use a longer rod, and wear some camo. Think invisible.

San Joaquin


Hot Creek

Closed ?

Upper Owens River

The flows sit at about 106 cfs high in the river system. Once Hot Creek dumps into the mid-section the flows are closer to 140 cfs. There are some big fish beginning their journey back into the river system from the reservoir. Be patient and persistent…..

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Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Jim Stimson Reports on 9.30.20

Thank you firefighters! 

The Inyo National Forest remains closed until a revaluation of conditions occurs on October 8th, hence, any fishing on USFS land is prohibited. This goes for any activity: fishing, hiking, biking, sight seeing, etc….Until the extreme fire conditions (heat, wind, drought, not enough fire fighting personnel) disappear, expect and respect the temporary closures. This means no campfires, no campfires, no campfires! Each day is a nail biter with local residents poised and ready to evacuate as the Creek Fire burns out of control just 15 miles from Mammoth Lakes. Mono and Inyo Counties are requiring the use of face masks with the pandemic. Please respect local businesses, each other, and be good stewards of the land. Thank you!

East Walker

The flows are in the low sixties along with the water temperatures. The fishing now is tough. The Bridgeport Reservoir is very low from the drought winter and is kicking a lot of mud and algae into the river, meaning, the water is off color. The bigger fish are hunkered down and tight lipped. There are trout to be had but it is a grind-a-thon. Keep in mind it is fun being on the water and whiling away the hours. The fishing will eventually improve!

West Walker

I believe the West Walker has reopened (it flows thru a different National Forest). That said, having recently driven thru the canyon the conditions are low, boney, and clear. Seek out the deeper, longer runs and go into stealth mode as the water is gin clear. Walk quietly as you approach the river, maintain a low profile, use a longer rod, and wear some camo. Think invisible.

San Joaquin


Hot Creek


Upper Owens River

Well heh! Looky here! There is something that is actually open, flowing, and has trout. 

The flows sit at about 60 cfs high in the river system. Once Hot Creek dumps into the mid-section the flows are closer to 90 cfs. There are some big fish beginning their journey back into the river system from the reservoir. Be patient and persistent….. dredge those deeper, slower buckets and you may get rewarded with a bruiser. You can get some top water action with elk haired caddis and tricos, but generally for smaller trout. I have had the best success nymphing with small pheasant tail or a soft hackled flies. 

Lower Owens River

The river is raging along at roughly 438 cfs. Beware of the high water levels, do not even think about wading across the river unless you enjoy swimming down the Owens Valley.

Get out there! You cannot catch fish if your line isn’t in the water. Stay safe!

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Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Jim Stimson Reports on 9.17.20

I feel I am about to write a new Cormac McCarthy style novel; something dark, hopeless, with endless amounts of despair. If COVID were not enough, we now have thick, heavy, acrid smoke coming over the Sierra from one of the many fires burning in the State. With the extreme fire conditions (heat, wind, drought, not enough fire fighting personnel), all National Forests and BLM land are closed, temporarily. The agencies will reevaluate on the 21st but for now, you cannot even set foot on USFS lands. There is the campground on the Upper Owens and a BLM campground near Crowley Lake that is still open but everywhere else is closed. No campfires, no campfires, no campfires! Each day is a nail biter with residents poised and ready to evacuate as the Creek Fire burns out of control just 15 miles from Mammoth Lakes. Mono and Inyo Counties are requiring the use of face masks. Please respect local businesses, each other, and be good stewards of the land. 

Finally, thank you firefighters! 

East Walker : Closed

West Walker : Closed

San Joaquin : Closed

Hot Creek : Closed

Upper Owens River

Well heh! Looky here! There is something that is actually open, flowing, and has trout. 

The flows sit at about 60 cfs high in the river system. Once Hot Creek dumps into the mid-section the flows are closer to 90 cfs. Most of the trophy trout have moved back into Crowley Lake but there are still some stragglers hanging around; nice browns and rainbows. You can get some top water action with elk haired caddis and tricos. I have had the best success nymphing with small pheasant tail or a soft hackled flies. 

Lower Owens River

The river is raging along at roughly 600 cfs. Beware of the high water levels, do not even think about wading across the river unless you enjoy swimming down the Owens Valley.

Get out there! You cannot catch fish if your line isn’t in the water. Stay safe!

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Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Jim Stimson Reports on 9.2.2020

Wow, Labor Day weekend….. the mornings are starting to cool off and with the lower sun angle, the mountains are beginning to get that autumn hue. We are expecting record high temperatures for the next several days. It should be a fun weekend. Keep in mind there are NO campfires permitted now, even in developed campgrounds. And ad nauseam…. both Mono and Inyo Counties are requiring the use of face masks. COVID is running rampant. Please respect local businesses and be good stewards of the land. Take care of your trash, TP, sewage. That does not mean leave it for someone else to pick up. Leave no trace. NONE!

East Walker

The East Walker is very vulnerable to warm water conditions. The Bridgeport Reservoir is a heat collector and the water released into the East Walker in the summer months is tepid. Currently the flows are 95 cfs. Even first thing in the morning the water temps are in the low 70’s. Give the trout a break…. but if you insist on fishing up there, fish in the morning with heavier tippet so you can land fish quickly, then once it gets too warm, reel in, hop in your car, and head for the high country. West Walker The flows are 19 cfs, low and boney. The West Walker has gin clear water so use some stealth when approaching the water and fishing. A dry-dropper setup or Euro-style nymphing is deadly on this pocket water.

San Joaquin

The road to the Postpile and the San Joaquin River are open. Because of the pandemic, the shuttle busses will not operate this season. There will be some kind of quota system for driving your own vehicle down into the canyon. It is a zoo down there……. The flows are at 15 cfs

Hot Creek

The creek is flowing through the canyon at roughly 34 cfs. Target your casts to the feeding lanes between the weeds and rocks, plus the overhanging grasses along the margins. You may not see fish, but they are there. Try a dry-dropper setup with a caddis above and a midge or small mayfly below. Hot Creek is always a fun place to fish. If you enjoy technical fishing, this is the place to practice your laser-guided casts, mending, and good drifts. The canyon is home to not only some nice trout, but deer, osprey, and the occasional bald eagle. Enjoy!

Upper Owens River

The flows sit at about 61 cfs high in the river system. Once Hot Creek dumps into the mid-section the flows are closer to 90 cfs. Most of the trophy trout have moved back into Crowley Lake but there are still some stragglers hanging around; nice browns and rainbows. When the afternoon breezes kick in, throw on a small hopper with a “drowned” hopper below. Aim your casts along the shoreline, tight to the banks and overhanging grasses. Money!

Lower Owens River

The river is raging along at roughly 546 cfs. Beware of the high water levels, do not even think about wading across the river unless you enjoy swimming with the fish.

Get out there! You cannot catch fish if your line isn’t in the water. Stay safe!

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Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Jim Stimson Reports on 8.27.20

Ughh! California is an inferno. Other than smokey air quality that you could cut with a knife, the Eastern Sierra is one of the few places in the State not on fire. But, we all need to exercise caution. There are NO campfires permitted now, even in developed campgrounds. And ad nauseam…. both Mono and Inyo Counties are requiring the use of face masks. COVID is running rampant. Please respect local businesses and be good stewards of the land. Take care of your trash, TP, sewage. That does not mean leave it for someone else to pick up. Leave no trace. NONE!

East Walker
The East Walker is very vulnerable to warm water conditions. Currently the flows are 87 cfs. Even first thing in the morning the water temps are in the low 70’s. Give the trout a break…. but if you insist on fishing up there, fish in the morning with heavier tippet so you can land fish quickly, then once it gets too warm, reel in, hop in your car, and head for the high country.  

West Walker

The flows are 29 cfs, low and boney. The West Walker has gin clear water so use some stealth when approaching the water and fishing. A dry-dropper setup or Euro style nymphing is deadly on this pocket water. 

San Joaquin
The road to the Postpile and the San Joaquin River are open. Because of the pandemic, the shuttle busses will not operate this season. There will be some kind of quota system for driving your own vehicle down into the canyon. It is a zoo down there……. The flows are at 24 cfs
Hot Creek

The creek is flowing through the canyon at roughly 35 cfs. Target your casts to the feeding lanes between the weeds and rocks, plus the overhanging grasses along the margins. You may not see fish, but they are there. Try a dry-dropper setup with a caddis above and a midge or small mayfly below. Hot Creek is always a fun place to fish. The canyon is home to not only some nice trout, but deer, osprey, and the occasional bald eagle. Enjoy!

Upper Owens River

The flows sit at about 62 cfs high in the river system. Once Hot Creek dumps into the mid-section the flows are closer to 90 cfs. Most of the trophy trout have moved back into Crowley Lake but there are still some stragglers hanging around; nice browns and rainbows. When the afternoon breezes kick in, throw on a small hopper with a “drowned” hopper below. Aim your casts along the shoreline, tight to the banks and overhanging grasses. Money!

Lower Owens River

The river is raging along at roughly 511 cfs. Beware of the high water levels, do not even think about wading across the river unless you enjoy swimming with the fish. 

Get out there! You cannot catch fish if your line isn’t in the water. Stay safe!

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Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Jim Stimson Reports on 8.13.20

Fishing is solid for the most part, depending on where you visit. The smaller creeks are low and boney but if you fish on the Owens River system, Hot Creek, or the high country lakes, you can have an enjoyable experience. Be advised, both Mono and Inyo Counties are requiring the use of face masks. In the past two weeks the number of positive COVID cases have tripled in Mono County. Beware! Please respect one another in these tenuous days. And, no fires allowed if you are outside a developed campground. Thank you.

East Walker

The East Walker in particular is vulnerable to warm water conditions. I am giving the river a break until the summer cools down……If you fish up there, again, watch the river temps. Fish in the morning with heavier tippet so you can land fish quickly, then once it gets too warm, reel in, hop in your car, and head around the Sweetwater Range to try the West Walker. The flows on the East Walker are at 95 cfs.. 

West Walker

The flows are 44 cfs and are perfect. The West Walker has gin clear water so use some stealth when approaching the water and fishing. A dry-dropper setup or Euro style nymphing is deadly on this pocket water. 

San Joaquin

The road to the Postpile and the San Joaquin River are open. Because of the pandemic, the shuttle busses will not operate this season. There will be some kind of quota system for driving your own vehicle down into the canyon. It is a zoo down there……. The flows are at 34 cfs

Hot Creek

The creek is flowing through the canyon at roughly 36 cfs. Target your casts to the feeding lanes between the weeds and rocks, plus the overhanging grasses along the margins. You may not see fish, but they are there. Try a dry-dropper setup with a caddis above and a midge or small mayfly below. Hot Creek is always a fun place to fish. The canyon is home to not only some nice trout, but deer, osprey, and the occasional bald eagle. Enjoy!

Upper Owens River

The flows sit at about 62 cfs high in the river system. Once Hot Creek dumps into the mid-section the flows are closer to 100 cfs. Most of the trophy trout have moved back into Crowley Lake but there are still some stragglers hanging around; nice browns and rainbows. When the afternoon breezes kick in, throw on a small hopper with a “drowned” hopper below. Money!

Lower Owens River

The river is cruising steady at roughly 500 cfs and is fishing well with all of the traditional patterns; PT’s, Hare’s Ears, midges, Frenchies…. The LADWP has been sending flushing flows through the Owens River Gorge and the Lower O, beware of the high water levels. If you enjoy hucking dry flies, this is the place. Around lunchtime, watch for BWO’s to start coming off the water. Be ready. The first thing you will notice is the bird activity along the river. You will see swallows, fly catchers, and sparrows flitting around the surrounding brush and diving at the river surface. Look for rises along the foam lines as fish snouts start poking up through the surface film. This BWO carnage only lasts about an hour. If you get finicky trout snubbing your dry flies, change your bug. Usually a sized 16-18 adams will get grabs, but often the trout are looking for a mayfly that is sitting lower in the surface film. An adams rides high so try a comparadun or a hackle stacker, they sit more within the film. Sometimes that is all you need to get back into the game.

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