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Fishing Report

Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Richard Loft reports on 5.3.18

Hey, everyone, I haven’t posted in a while so I thought I would post an update.  I’m not going to cover the bug info, which was nicely covered by my colleague guides already; but I’m going to give my current tips and access points for Putah this Spring.

Access #5 produced a 16 in fish hiding in a rifle I have fished many times in the past but so much of the river has a...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Rob Russell reports on 4.12.18


    Flows have been mostly stable over the last week and fishing has been good!  200 cfs is a great flow for fishing and wading the many runs and pockets of Putah Creek.  Fishing has been best on the warmer days, directly corresponding to a strong midge hatch in the morning.       Smaller streamers have been producing as well.  

Buggers and leeches in black or...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Rob Russell reports on 4.5.18

Putah Creek


News flash! Heavy rain on the way Friday into Saturday; a dramatic change from the 80s we were experiencing last week. This is great news! Late rains will help any remaining downstream steelhead get back to the ocean. It will also help with the water table everywhere and provide desperately needed water to headwater tributaries. Every drop counts when 80% or...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Jordan Romney reports on 4.5.18

Putah Creek 


One word to sum up the fishing on Putah Creek last month: FIRE! We had some really insane days of fishing in the first half of the month. The fish were hungry and throw caution to the wind when it came to feeding. Despite the crowds, we still were able to find overlooked water. All of my “secret” spots were producing. Lately, it has slowed down a bit. It...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Rob Russell reports on 3.29.18

Putah Creek 


Flows are at 155 cfs, and have been steadily rising over the last few days.  Fishing has been good, but not excellent as it was through most of March.

Bright sunshine and blue skies have replaced the rain of a “Miracle March”. Insect activity has consisted of mostly midges, mayflies have begun to show themselves more frequently. Streamers continue to...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Rob Russell reports on 3.22.18

It’s been nothing short of a festival at Putah Creek!  Henna-tattooers, face painters, and hula-hoopers;  partying glitter-faced people in costumes with glow-in-the-dark everything;  interpretive fly fishing happens at Putah Creek.  Fishing is great!
Nymphing, with or without an indicator, will result in consistent hook-ups. Streamer fishing has been as good as it gets...

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Russian River Fly Fishing Report

Rob Russell reports on 3.21.18

Russian River

1.22 inches of rain at the Sonoma County Airport in the last 24 hours has the Russian River rising fast.


    The steelhead season is all but over.  With this storm putting the Russian out of shape until April.  Although fresh fish are occasionally caught, the low returns this year don’t hold much promise for a late season fish.


By the middle of next month,...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Rob Russell reports on 3.16.18

Putah Creek is fishing well. Flows are good and some really great fish are being caught. Small nymphs, dead drifted under an indicator, is standard fare at Putah, and will get you hooked up. However, streamers are also effective with good choices being crayfish and sculpin patterns. Damsels nymphs should be active soon, and are fun to fish around the edges on a...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Jordan Romney Reports on 3.8.2018

Flow: 128 CFS

The first day of the season started out with a bang. My guests were actually scheduled to float the Yuba but mother nature had other plans. The Yuba blew out so I offered to take them to Putah Creek. When I checked the flows I saw they were at 50 cfs which in my mind means bad fishing. We almost canceled the trip but my guest wanted to fish no matter...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Jordan Romney Reports on 2.28.2018

Officially I do not have a current fishing report for Putah Creek.  We’ve been operating under the unofficial spawning closure since December.  March 1st marks the unofficial opener on the creek. I am amazed from the feedback and conversations I have with anglers who respect the closure.  Policing ourselves for the benefit of the fishery is the right thing to do.


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