Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report
Rob Russell reports on 3.22.18

It’s been nothing short of a festival at Putah Creek! Henna-tattooers, face painters, and hula-hoopers; partying glitter-faced people in costumes with glow-in-the-dark everything; interpretive fly fishing happens at Putah Creek. Fishing is great!
Nymphing, with or without an indicator, will result in consistent hook-ups. Streamer fishing has been as good as it gets here. Leeches and crayfish in dark colors are good choices. Use heavier tippet when fishing streamers, so you don’t break off the fish of a lifetime. Cover as much water as possible when fishing streamers. This will increase your odds of finding players (streamer-eaters).

Guests have had pleasant wading conditions, with lower than average flows this Spring. As the weather warms and seasonal agricultural demands begin; flows will increase.
Water temperature has been near 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Per usual, midges have been the most prominent bug. Small mayflies have begun to emerge on warmer days as well. A worm attractor followed by a small midge or mayfly is a standard nymph rig. High-stick the pockets, and dead-drift the runs with an indicator. It’s a good idea to thoroughly cover all water to find the greatest concentration of fish.
This is a great year to try fly fishing at Putah Creek. Beginners and novices encouraged and welcome!

There is really fun fishing happening now at Putah Creek.
Dates available. - Rob Russell
707-888-2571, russellrob5@gmail.com
@robrussellflyfishing #robrussellflyfishing
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