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Fishing Report

Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Putah Creek Report 5.16.2019

Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Putah Creek flows are absolutely perfect right now which is probably why we have been hearing such great things about the fishing and bad things about the crowds. A variety of midges is important on the creek, but san juans in squirmy and non-squirmy varieties. Small Streamers and dead drifted leaches have been a solid bet. 


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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Rob Russell reports on 2.28.19

Putah is dangerously high and blown out! The torrential rain over the last 48 hours has caused Lake Berryessa to spill. The creek is dangerous at these flows and should not be approached. It is difficult to predict when Putah Creek will be fishable again. With very similar conditions in March 2017, the creek remained unfishable for most of...

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Putah Creek Fishing Report

Jordan Romeny reports on 2.14.19

Putah Creek Unofficial Opener March 1 st
The unofficial Putah Creek opener is just around the corner. Last spring the fishing on the creek was outright incredible. I remember having a new guide shadow me one day on the creek and he was blown away. We had two guests with us that each put 10 fish to hand and a couple of big fish mixed in there
too. I turned to him at...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Rob Russell reports on 9.6.18

An amazing Summer is coming to an end at Putah Creek. Flying full-speed into Fall, more great fishing is very near. Flows will drop as irrigation demands decrease. Fish will be concentrated in riffles and runs, much easier to target now in the lower water. Wading will become easier and more areas will be accessible. September and October are PRIME-TIME at Putah.

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Jordan Romney reports on 8.28.18

Putah Creek Fall Options

Do you feel the nip in the air? That is Fall breathing down our necks. I am getting really excited about the current water situation and what is around the corner. Fishing is always better if it involves a sweatshirt. Think about it: trout are cold blooded. They prefer cooler temperatures and feed more regularly. Most people fish during the...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Richard Loft reports on 8.27.18

Hey everyone I just wanted to check in and report my recent fishing adventures for the last few outings; Putah Creek flows are still holding fairly high and making it tough in the deeper water but with persistence you can find a few willing fish or two to play in the deeper water– give the fish an advantage and they know just what to do! Recently I was fighting one...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Richard Loft reports on 7.13.18

Napa Valley

Hey everyone I just wanted to give a brief Putah Creek report for the last few weeks. Flows have held pretty steady between mid 500cfs and mid to high 600cfs so I am getting a few fish most days with a few in the 14+ inch range. I have had a few bigger fish on but at these flows it tough to get a decent set and easier for fish to come unbuttoned shortly...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Richard Loft reports on 5.17.18

Hey, Everyone, I want to give my Putah Creek report for the last two weeks. It’s the most beautiful time of year on the Creek; whether you catch fish or not it’s the best place in the world to be; standing in the middle of a river, casting to wild rainbow trout and listening to the sound of flowing water. I love it every minute of it!


So summer flows are definitely...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Rob Russell reports on 5.17.18

 Euro-nymphing or “High-sticking” has been the name of the game in the last couple of weeks at Putah Creek.  This technique is highly effective and easy to learn.  Indicator techniques will always be effective at Putah, but the current flow of 420 cfs creates many spots ideal for euro-nymphing. 

The crowds of the Spring have thinned! Most likely due to other trout...

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Putah Creek Fly Fishing Report

Rob Russell reports on 5.3.18


The colors are changing at Putah Creek.  Lush foliage of the Spring is quickly replaced by the now desiccated, straw-colored grasses.  Temperatures in the 70s and 80s make for extremely pleasant fishing these days.  Coupled with flows around 330 cfs, this makes for good fishing conditions and wading access.     Nymphing remains the most common technique.  


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