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Fishing Report

Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Matt "Gilligan" Koles Reports on 3.10.2020

Coming into Spring on the Truckee River. It’s already about mid-March, and from now into Summer is the time to be on this river. Spring is my favorite time for big fish.

Finally, a change on the river. Flows have been bumped up out of Boca. The river is about 480 cfs here in the Hirsch. Near the same down the length of the river as well into Reno. Almost 600 out East. That’s a signifiant change, flows have nearly doubled. Good change.

I haven’t been that exited about fishing the river on the CA side, but now, yes, she’ll be good. I’ll probably start doing some trips around home here soon. I’ve still been down on the lower Truckee River in Nevada. We’ve had our good days, we’ve had our bad days, we’ve had our wind days. When it’s good, man, ain’t too much better. When the trouts have lockjaw, it’s a long day.

Excited about Spring, and the higher flows, and the skwalas, and streamer fishing and the longer days. We still need more snow, and I don’t think winter is over just yet.

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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Matt Heron Reports on 3.4.20

We actually got some weather this past week. Saturday and Sunday a storm rolled in and gave us 3-6 inches of the white stuff in Truckee. It isn’t much but we’ll take it!

The water is still low and clear, temps are in the low 40s or so. Like past reports, very normal for this time of year.

The bug thing also hasn’t changed. We’re nymphing with baetis, midges, winter stones, eggs and skwalas.

Although we’re mostly fishing the bottom this time of year, don’t be afraid to fish midge pupa suspended mid day. We’re running into pods of fish suspended off the bottom when the mid day midge hatch pops.

Not much as far as dries go unfortunately.

Don’t forget to check out our new podcast too!

Give us a call, we have guides available everyday and good luck out there!

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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Matt Gilligan Koles Reports on 2.27.20

Mild weather for the Truckee River. 

Having a long, mild, dry streak here in Tahoe/ Reno. This is very typical to get prolonged dry spells in the Sierra’s, but this is an exceptional one. The snow we have is melting. Will we get more snow? Looks like the long range models are coming into agreement on a pattern change. How much rain/ snow is the question. Anything will be better than nothing.

Not much change since last week on the fishing front. Weather and flows have remained the same for the last month. If you like fishing in a t-shirt in February, this is your chance. It’s still cold at night, and the water is cold, so don’t go busting through the pocket water yet.

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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Matt "Gilligan" Koles Reports on 2.20.20

Good solid fishing on the Truckee River.

Feels almost like spring in Tahoe/ Reno. Super balmy for mid-Feb.

When I say good fishing, I’m talking the Nevada side of the Truckee River, not in Ca. That’s where I’ve been spending my time. The water is low and clear and cold still in Ca.

So no more dry fly fishing down on the lower river. Lots of bugs, but not that many fish looking up. Not sure what happened. Still hoping for it to pick back up again. I did put on some nymphs and we did catch fish though. We caught fish in every water type. Not just the winter type frog water. Climate change.

Of course if you want to go hunting for big fish, you got to streamer fish, and stay committed. Luckily, we got a few on Saturday, thanks to some cloud cover and a falling barometer. That was after 2 days of nothing. It just takes the right pressure/ weather, to get trouts to turn on and chase. Sometimes you can nail those days down, but you just don’t know when, or what day that will happen. You just got to throw those things around until it does. I wish I had an app for that.

So enjoy the spring weather in February. 4 years ago we had the driest Feb. to that point on record, and a pretty good wet March. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Matt "Gilligan" Koles Reports on 2.10.2020

Mild weather on the Truckee River.

Looks like this month may stay dry and mild. Hopefully, we can get some storms in March. Reno hit 70 last week. Most ski resorts are at about 80 percent of average on the upper mountains. We will need a good end of this month, or March to get back somewhat closer to average. There is water stored in the lakes and reservoirs, but it would be nice to top them off.

Why do I talk so much about the weather? Well, this time of year the fishing is greatly influenced by how warm, or cold it is. Last week I saw skwallas out on the lower river. That’s pretty early. I didn’t see them until April last year, but it did snow almost every day last February.

So the good news is you will see fish looking up. Flows are down and there are bugs out. Much different than our last 3 springs. Not only was last winter/ spring cold, flows were way up from release out of Lake Tahoe. They were the in ’17, and 18′ too. That won’t be the case this year. We will have dependable good spring fishing.

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Truckee River Fly FIshing Report

Truckee River Fly FIshing Report

Matt "Gilligan" Koles Reports on 2.6.2020

Record weekend temps and now single digits. 

We set some records over the weekend for daytime temps. Today, it’s in the single digits with an East wind, brrrr.

We had a great streamer clinic, still some spots for this Saturday’s clinic.

The fishing has been good out on the East side on the lower Truckee River in Nevada. I haven’t really been messing with the river around here. Getting a decent streamer bite, and the dry fly fishing has been good too. The 2 funnest ways to fish in my opinion. Streamer first, dry fly second. Some days are better than others on the bug front. If you have some overcast and not too much wind it will go off. If you have sunny, no wind, it will kinda go off. Super fun if you time it right. It seems like every day the timing of the bugs have been different.

Of course if you want to catch big fish, you streamer fish. The biggest fish don’t eat bugs, they eat fish.

If you just want to catch fish then you should be nymphing. Baetis nymphs will be the go to from here on out through spring.

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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Matt "Gilligan" Koles Reports on 1.27.20

Like really good. We had a few great streamer days, but the dry fly fishing has been where it’s at- on the lower Truckee River in Nevada.

Yep, I said dry fly fishing. Don’t say that a whole hell of a lot on the Truckee River, but there have been some days where it’s simply been epic. Of course some days are better than others. Wind can be a problem. If you can get a good windless afternoon you will see pods of fish rising in every run. Blue wing olives. Sure, most fish average on the smaller size, but we have stuck a few over 20,” on a dry, that’s really good. It’s great to have boat and access the good zones, but you can hit a lot wade fishing too.

So things look to get warm this week. It’s been mild up here. Reno is going to get over 60 this week, was 55 here in the Hirsch the other day. Winter is not over though. Still a long ways to go if you live about 5000 feet.

The Streamer Clinic on Feb. 8th still has some spots. The 1st is sold out. Go niners.

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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Matt "Gilligan" Koles Reports on 1.22.20

Good winter fishing on the Truckee River.

With the exception of a few days last week when it got real cold, fishing has been pretty good.

The great news is, we have some pretty good dry fly fishing happening on the lower river in Nevada. Right about mid-day you’ll see blue wings, and pods of fish rising in certain runs. Super good on those warmer overcast days, which we’ve had a lot of this winter. Other good news too, the streamer fishing has been pretty good. Seems like we’re getting a shot of a lifetime fish every time I side the raft in. The best news, Niners are back in the Super Bowl.

So it’s fun to bring a steamer rod and a dry fly rod and do a little bit of both. Of course the nymphing is good as well.

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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Matt "Gilligan" Koles Reports on 

The clinic on the 1st is full. 

49ers are back in the NFC title game, and we’re sticking some big browns on the lower Truckee River. Can’t complain.

A few warm days last week, but still pretty cold round these parts. Some smaller storms this week, and a good one late mid-week. Looks to be nice this holiday weekend.

Flows have dropped a bit. 220 and change here, 330 or so out East. I imagine they’ll stay like this until we get some warmer bigger storms. Not much change since the last report. Trouts are mainly in the frog water. We have pushed, and hooked some huge browns streamer fishing out East on the lower Truckee River in Nevada. I have also had some good dry fly sessions on the warmer days. Surprisingly, some have been big on the dry fly. We used to have some great dry fly fishing down there before the drought, and it looks like its now come back.

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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Truckee River Fly Fishing Report
Matt "Gilligan" Koles reports on 1.6.2020

Good last week on the Truckee River.


Warm temps got the fishing going. We had some days in Reno near 60. Gonna get colder this week, not too bad though for January. Smaller slider type storms will brush us. As long as you don’t have that East wind, won’t be too bad temp wise. Hopefully, we get get some big storms by the end of the month. Fingers crossed.

So, not much change in the fishing, or flows. Like I say, last week was great, even got some fish on top. When you can get those warmer days this time of year, the fishing can be good all up and down the river. Saw some good pods of fish eating on top every afternoon last week. Baetis of course. We missed a few thumpers on the streamers. Just all around good. Remember trouts are in the frog water, you can bypass a lot of water this time of year.

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