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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Matt "Gilligan" Koles Reports on 5.27.20

Heating up on the Truckee River.

It will get hot this week. When it’s 90 in the Hirsch, it’s hot. Upper 90’s in Reno. There’s about 10 miles between us and the desert, it gets hot. Water’s still cold. Fishing all day is good. About low 50’s, water temps, during the day. That’s perfect water temps. Trouts are waking up and moving around.

Flows are still up. I’m guessing they’ll drop in a few weeks. It’ll make the wading a lot easier.

So, nymph up on them. That’s your best bet, at least here on the lower river. Lots of bugs out, but those big fish don’t budge. They stay on the bottom and look for the easiest available food source. Good news; the smaller fish are very active as well with the warming water temps. This is a good time for higher numbers of fish, if you get in the right sections of river. They’re sill tight though. When the flows drop, they will move out into the mid-river slots. All of that water is still too fast.

Yes, the Truckee River is open. No, you will not get pulled over by the police if you’re out of town.

I’ve been very busy. All of my full days are filled up in June. I do have half days open, especially the last few weeks of June. Once summer rolls in, the best fishing is, morning-mid-morning, and again very late in the evening.

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