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Pyramid Lake Fly Fishing Report

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Doug Ouellette, Calvada Fly Fishing

While some guys decided to take a break from Pyramid Lake to fish other local reservoirs this week, we continued to fish Pyramid daily.  This week Pyramid Lake produced some outstanding BIG Lahontan cutthroats. Most of the mid day fishing has been very tough , however the late afternoon grab from 2:30 until dark has been very good.  Some days have been better than others, weather is a key factor.  Today (Monday) for example, a storm moved in and it all  BROKE LOOSE!  Today was awesome! We released a 13.5 lbr, 12lbr, and three 10lbs. along with several other nice fish.  The popcorn beetle retrieved on a shooting head was responsible for almost all of the fish.  Remember to vary your retrieves. We cover several retrieves and when to use them in our clinics. We offer the most comprehensive clinic available on Pyramid Lake. For more info go to
On January 9th and 10th I will be speaking at the ISE Show in Sacramento with my show “Pyramid Lake - Land of the Giants”.
Good luck , have fun !
Doug O.

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