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Fishing Report

Lake Davis Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

Odd trout behavior and less than stellar fishing is the current state at Lake Davis. One day is decent, the next fair. Fish are still scattered, some roaming in large pods at different depths like 7 to 12 feet down, and even deeper, at 16 to 23 feet. I have a feeling that these super pods are dining on daphnia, and why we are not seeing them in shallower...
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Lake Davis Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

Our first real low pressure system and a little precipitation for the north state last weekend have totally changed the behavior of the trout at the lake. A sharp drop in water temperatures has the current numbers at 54-58. Fish are scattered at all depths. Many are suspended in 16 to 22 feet of water, yet some can be found in 2 feet. Water clarity is much...
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Lake Davis Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

Big wind in the past week really shut down the callibaetis hatch, and with that it was sparse at best. With no rising fish, tactics had to be adjusted. Presenting indicator rigs in the chop 3 to 5 down was very effective in 6 to 12 feet of water. Action has been steady, and the fall bite is a bit idle right now. Water temps have been 60 degrees in the morning...
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Lake Davis Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

Callibaetis! The mayfly of the lakes is out and last weekend the hatch was monstrous with thousands out and about. Both subsurface, and dry fly presentations were very effective as the large trout were totally keyed in on them, many were hooked in a foot and a half of water right off the bank! Water temps this week are running 60 to 66 degrees, and the water...
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Lake Davis Fly Fishing Report


Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

Conditions continue to improve, catch rates and strikes have been on the upswing using a wide variety of techniques. The aggressive fall bite has yet to really kick in, but it’s coming; the best fishing of the year. Water temps on 9/9 were 62 degrees in the morning rising to 66 by the afternoon. This morning, air temps in the area were at 37 degrees. This will...

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Lake Davis Fly Fishing Report


              UV2 Sheep Creek Special 

Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

Change is in the air with cooler nights, and Lake Davis is starting to wake up. Water temperatures two weeks ago were 61-66 degrees, this week 63-69. Water levels are not as bad as you think, capacity right now is 57%, I’ve fished the lake much lower than this and it fished really well back then in 07. Weed growth is...

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Lake Davis Fly Fishing Report


Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

It’s already starting; cooler mornings have water temps ranging from 61.2 degrees in the shallows, climbing to 66.5 in the heat of the day. There have been good hatches of blood midges and callibaetis in the mornings with some prime sight fishing opportunities. Effective patterns have been Albino Winos, Damsels, Sheep Creek Specials, Parachute Adams, Pheasant...

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