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Lake Davis Fly Fishing Report

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Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

Conditions continue to improve, catch rates and strikes have been on the upswing using a wide variety of techniques. The aggressive fall bite has yet to really kick in, but it’s coming; the best fishing of the year. Water temps on 9/9 were 62 degrees in the morning rising to 66 by the afternoon. This morning, air temps in the area were at 37 degrees. This will allow water temps to keep dropping. Water clarity is off in places with a slight algae bloom, this really only clouds the water upper column. Look for areas of clearing that are fishy. Free floating weeds will be in the system for here on until ice up, the American coot have shown up, ripping up weeds and eating their veggies. The weeds beds are also starting to wane and compress allowing more fishable pockets to open up.

Fish behavior is starting to change, and a few cruisers in the skinny water have been caught. Wiggle tails, Rickard’s still water nymph, and other buggy patterns with a slow sink rate is getting the grabs. Most effective rig has been the bobber, 3-5 feet down in the morning, and 9-14 feet down in the early and late afternoon. Chironomids #10-18 in red, black, brown, and lime green is what they are eating. Hot flies have been Rust wiggle tails #12-16, UV2 sheep creeks #10-14, Spirit River UV2 mayfly nymph #14-16, and Blood Midge emergers #14. 4x-3x depending on your presentation and depth.

Adult bug life is rich with very small midge adults on the surface during the morning, especially the tan colored one they like to key in on, size 18. Very sparse hatches of blood midges of late in the areas I was observing, though the fish do search for them while working. Callibaetis on the other hand are increasing, this is the start of the last brood of the season, and both duns and spinners will be smaller in a size 16. The main staple of damsels is always present, and the increasing snail population is a favorite of the large rainbows in autumn, two patterns you should always carry.

I have some open dates during the epic fall bite at Lake Davis, available in October; 7th – 9Th, 16th-17th , 22nd, and the 25th-30th. For November; 10th-20th. Remember that the incredible fall colors occur sometime from the 2nd week of Oct. to the last week. Red hot fishing and beautiful surroundings make for an unforgettable experience! 

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