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Lake Davis Fly Fishing Report

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Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

Big wind in the past week really shut down the callibaetis hatch, and with that it was sparse at best. With no rising fish, tactics had to be adjusted. Presenting indicator rigs in the chop 3 to 5 down was very effective in 6 to 12 feet of water. Action has been steady, and the fall bite is a bit idle right now. Water temps have been 60 degrees in the morning rising to 65 in the afternoon. Fishing pressure is starting to increase but you can always find a good location or that special spot if you want to get away from the crowds. Anchoring in one area and letting the fish cycle through a cove is a good option. Remember; don’t leave fish to find fish.
Productive flies have been Hare’s Ear nymphs #14-16, Sheep Creek specials #12-14, rust and brown Wiggle Tails #10-14, purple mahalo midge pupa #12-16, black with red wire midge pupa #10-14, and Blood Midge pupa #12-14. Changing weather conditions this coming week should get the trout’s attention, which is needed for the next level of the autumn grab. Stay tuned…

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