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Fishing Report

Feather River Fly Fishing Report

Ryan Johnston reports on 4.26.18

The Feather River spring steelhead run is still holding strong. There are fish spread throughout the system with both high flow and low flow fishing equally. Most of the fish right now are in the typical 17-21" range with lots of strong fiesty chromers waiting to gobble up your fly.

Guys are doing well swinging and nymphing. Expect another couple good weeks of...

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Lower Feather River Fly Fishing Report

Capt. Hogan Brown reports on 4.5.18

Lower Feather River the last week was pretty decent for spring steelhead fish both on the swing and nymphing. The swing grab was best the first part of the day on bigger flies but the grabs were pretty short once the sun hit the water. Midday ounce the caddis started to come off switching to smaller soft hackle fly was best. The river is too high and unfishable...

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Feather River Fly Fishing Report

Ryan Johnston reports on 3.29.18

Feather River

Feather River - The Feather River has been average as of late. There are more and more fish starting to show up in the system. Currently, there are a lot of fish in the 17-19" range. It has been challenging to find bigger fish this spring. It is just a matter of time before we run into a couple of good ones. One thing that needs to be noted is that the...

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Lower Feather Fly Fishing Report

Capt. Hogan Brown reports on 3.28.18

Lower Feather River 


I have been spending most of my time the last week swinging flies on the feather river for spring steelhead. Flows are normal and clarity is a bit off with the recent rains as the dirty water from the lake moves through the watershed. There are fair numbers of spring run steelhead in the river - both half pounders and a few true adults. Great...

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Lower Sac and Feather River Fly Fishing Report

Ryan Johnston reports on 3.16.18

Lower Sac

The fishing on the Sac continues to impress. The amount of bugs coming off right now is really impressive. From spring caddis, to March Browns, to PMDs, and even baetis in the mix there are all kinds of food in the drift right now to get those rainbows fat and happy. The best part is that we are getting some legitimate dry fly fishing in every day right...

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Feather River Fly Fishing Report

Nor Cal Fly Guides Reports on 1.18.18

  • Fishing: fair to good 
  • Clarity: 3ft off color
  • Flows: Low 1000, High 1800

The upper stretch is finally open and is fishing very well but has been extremely crowded, below that has been very quiet with crowds and enough fish to get you steelhead fix. I do have a few tricks up my sleeve this time of year and it has been paying off for those willing to hang with me...

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Lower Feather Fly Fishing Report

Marin Unversaw reports on Jan 6, 2018:

The Feather’s water is clear with a little green tinge. For us it was overcast with some light rain. Conditions are good. Water level worked for crossing selected pieces of water.
Salmon are mostly done, with many fragrant memorials to those brave Salmon who swam under the Golden Gate Bridge, and all the way up to Oroville to party.

For me it was 101, to 37, to...

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Chico/Oroville Fly Fishing Report

Capt Hogan Brown Reports on 11.23.2017

Spent a few days out on the water this last week with clients and fishing on my own…

Feather River - aka Butte county’s Capital City Fish Ditch - the Feather has had a great run of steelhead his year. Nothing huge in size but all good solid central valley size steelhead. 20-25" football size fish. The crowds of both guides and bank anglers have been there in...

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Lower Feather Fly Fishing Report


The Lower Feather has been fishing pretty well as of late. The Low flow section below the dam has a pretty solid number of salmon on redds. There have been a number of adult steelhead and half pounders caught up here. As always when fishing around redds be very careful and watch where you step. Swinging egg sucking leaches and nymphing will find you fish. 

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Lower Sac and Feather River Fly Fishing ReportHogan Brown reports...

Lower Sac and Feather River Fly Fishing Report

Hogan Brown reports on 9.15.2017

Been spending a few days here and there striper fishing on the Lower Sac, Swinging some flies on the upper feather, and conventional salmon fishing for the table…Striper fishing has been good as fall feels like it is finally here and the temperatures are cooling down and the days are getting shorter. We have been...

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