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Chico/Oroville Fly Fishing Report

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Capt Hogan Brown Reports on 11.23.2017

Spent a few days out on the water this last week with clients and fishing on my own…

Feather River - aka Butte county’s Capital City Fish Ditch - the Feather has had a great run of steelhead his year. Nothing huge in size but all good solid central valley size steelhead. 20-25" football size fish. The crowds of both guides and bank anglers have been there in force as well so it is a real crap shoot as to getting water. I usually put on the water a bit later and slip in behind all the early bird guides and do longer floats to cover water. If you are bank angler don’t rush to the river…you wont be the first one there. I am convinced people sleep in their cars to be on the water first. My clients caught good numbers of fish on eggs and some early alvins patterns as well as the standard nymphs - PT’s, Olive birds nest, san juan worms.

Butte Creek - The creek has been up and down flow wise and timing a trip to the creek can be tough as it jumps up and down with any amount of rain. There are fish in the creek but covering water is key to finding them. Nymphing and swinging flies will catch fish on the creek if you search out the water best suited for both.

Lake Oroville - winter spotted bass fishing is turning on and fishing float and fly rigs as well as slow stripping minnow patterns is starting to really turn on. This is one of the most under appreciated bass fisheries during the winter. A really fun place to spend the day.

Open dates for winter trout, steelhead, and bass

Dec 21 -23, 27-30

Jan 4, 5, 13, 15, 20

Capt. Hogan Brown

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