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Fishing Report

LCO Small Streams Clinic Report


The Lost Coast Outfitters Small Stream Clinic led by Tayler Wells and myself happened last weekend in Eastern Plumas County featuring Jamison and Gray Eagle creeks. The concept alone was brilliant, teaching our guests the right approach to rugged canyon water, and pursuing small wild trout that is so good for the soul. Topics included rigging for small streams and creeks, knots, fly selection,...

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MF Feather, NF Yuba, and more Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

Last week Tayler Wells of Tail Walker guide service and I did a recon mission on the Middle Fork Feather River, Jamison creek, Frazier creek, and the North Fork Yuba River – all in one day! Here are our latest reports and findings;
Middle Fork Feather River; we fished the Gray eagle area and water temps have bumped up a bit at 52, but the catching was slow. The...

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Feather River Fly Fishing Report

Hogan Brown,Hogan Brown Fly Fishing

Lower Feather River Spring Steelhead – They are in and the recent rain moved a few fish around and up. Swinging flies and nymphing with caddis and basic attractors is still catching fish. Fishing should continue through Mid May but May slow down earlier with warmer weather as the flows are low and water temps could warm up.

Water that is open– My goal is to...

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Middle Feather River Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

What I thought was going to be an epic opener on the MFFR turned out to be a bust. Water temperatures will always dictate whether the fishing the first weekend of April will be successful, or not here. When the thermometer barked out 45 degrees in the water, I knew it would be fruitless. I still probed the many runs and pools with a hope for a bent rod. No...

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Lower Feather Fly Fishing Report

Hogan Brown, Hogan Brown Fly Fishing

Lower Feather River Spring Steelhead- There are both half pounders and adult spring steelhead in the system up through Oroville and with nearly no water coming out of the outlets the river all the way to Gridley has good cool water temps. Many times during the spring when water is pumping out of the outlet for Agriculture the high flow warms up and congregates...

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Feather River Fly Fishing Report

Hogan Brown, Hogan Brown Fly Fishing

Spent the Weekend guiding the Lower Feather for spring steelhead. I spend most of my time swinging for these fish as they are some of the better “swung fly eaters” in the central valley. We managed a few missed grabs and a nice 4lb wild adult hen about 24" on saturday. Swinging bait fish style flies in white and olive or caddis pupa/soft hackles is best. 


Got out...

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Feather River Fly Fishing Report

Jordan Romney, Jordan Romney Fly Fishing

Feather River Spring Steelhead

There is still some great fishing to be had on the Feather. I was out there yesterday (Feb 12) filming an episode for Informative Fisherman. The water was tinted from last weeks storm, which I think, helped things so I did not have to be so stealthy with the boat. Between the two boats we hooked up somewhere in the high teens...

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Middle Fork of the Feather River Clinic June 6, 2015.


Middle Fork of the Feather River Clinic presented by Jon Biaocchi

Fly fishing guide Jon Baiocchi will take you on a journey of the Middle Fork of the Feather River explaining different reaches of the river, techniques, and showing the varied flies that will make your next outing a success.

Where to meet: TBD

Jon will be instructing you and three others on:

  • Setting up common rigs 
  • Fly choice
  • Mult...
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Feather River Fly Fishing Report

Dave Barbieri, Dave Barbieri Guide Service

Fishing was poor to good on the Feather this week. It’s a total crap shoot. One day is good, the next, who knows? Hopefully these storms will bring some new fish in! Oroville has had a substantial amount of rain this season, 13.5 inches to date. Normal up there for this time is 7 inches. Last year at this time we only had 3 inches. You wouldn’t know it by...

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Feather River Fly Fishing Report

Jordan Romney, Jordan Romney Fly Fishing

The salmon run was a little lighter this year than last but the fishing is still decent with the egg bit coming to an end. Hopefully with the current storms we get some of the bigger winter fish in early to spice things up. The fishing is fair so far on the Feather and the crowds have been the most trivial factor. Most days I have been out there have...

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