Lower Feather Fly Fishing Report
Hogan Brown, Hogan Brown Fly Fishing
Lower Feather River Spring Steelhead - There are both half pounders and adult spring steelhead in the system up through Oroville and with nearly no water coming out of the outlets the river all the way to Gridley has good cool water temps. Many times during the spring when water is pumping out of the outlet for Agriculture the high flow warms up and congregates all the fish in the Low Flow. Not the case this year. Fish seemed to be spread out throughout the low and high flow. Last week we caught fish nymphing with egg patterns and basic attractor nymphs and swinging small fry patterns and caddis imitations. These are hot fish and very willing to eat a swung fly on a light spey or switch rod.
Open Dates:
- May 2, 3, 23-25
- June 22-26, 28-30,
- July 1, 2, 6-10, 12, 14, 17-23
- Aug 4-9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30
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