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MF Feather, NF Yuba, and more Fly Fishing Report

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Jon Baiocchi, Baiocchi Troutfitters

Last week Tayler Wells of Tail Walker guide service and I did a recon mission on the Middle Fork Feather River, Jamison creek, Frazier creek, and the North Fork Yuba River – all in one day! Here are our latest reports and findings;
Middle Fork Feather River; we fished the Gray eagle area and water temps have bumped up a bit at 52, but the catching was slow. The upper river is very low, and side sloughs that usually fish well in spring were beyond frog water, stinky and too warm. Caddis flies were out mainly with a few BWO’s in the mix. This section of the Middle Fork Feather should be fished now. The areas to target in the weeks to come are below Jamison creek at the Two Rivers access. From here on down to Nelson creek will be good until the end of June. Evenings will dictate some great dry fly fishing, so do not hesitate in wetting a line soon.


Jamison and Fraizer creeks; Beautiful surroundings but cold water, the thermometer spoke 49 degrees. We caught a few, and some larger trout took a good look at our attracter dries. No bugs to speak of other than a random caddis. Look for conditions to improve on a weekly basis. Our Lost Coast Outfitters small stream clinic should be in prime shape. For those that signed up, you’re in for such a fantastic treat!


North Fork Yuba River; Shocked. The flows were way up, but not excessively high. Tayler and I took water temps from Bassetts Station all the way down to Rocky Rest Campground. Upper river near Sierra City, 49 degrees. Downieville area, 52 degrees. Lower river near the Hwy. 49 bridge, 54 degrees. We fished the lower river and caught a few. When the water temps bump up things will turn on like wildfire. Many caddis where out, and joining them were Golden stones, and Salmon flies. Dry / dropper rigs proved most effective. The most beautiful watershed in California should be experienced by all fly anglers, it’s a real gem. I only have a few days open until July first, what these waters will become then is a guess. My guests will tell you that taking a guide trip with me is more than just the catching. I explain access areas, entomology, techniques, and detailed information on the flora and fauna. Knowledge is everything, and so invigorating for the mind and soul…


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