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Eastern Sierra Spring Fishing Report

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Jarrett Coons Reports on 5.08.2024

Eastern Sierra: So, the main season is open and temps are a little cooler than usual. We had a few late storms and still have a good snowpack in the mountains that is slowly starting to melt. Runoff has not hit in force and most streams are still at pre-runoff flows, aside from the Lower Owens (currently at a high of 522 cfs)- not very fishable and not very safe! Be careful near the edge of the river as large chunks of bank can break off (Sometimes while your on them!) and pin you underwater. The ticks will be showing up soon too!
 Eastern Sierra Trout Fishing
Crowley Lake: The lake is open and full to the brim, most fish are being caught deep in 20-30'. This seems to be the new normal and has us experimenting with new and better ways to fish deep. Midges and leeches are my go to flies this time of year.
It's also time for the cutthroats to leave Crowley Lake to spawn in the tributaries. Please be aware of redds and try not to wade in the shallow gravel bars where these fish will be making nests. If you have to wade or cross the river do it in deeper water where you are less likely to disturb redds.
Southern Owens Valley: The Largemouth Bass fishing has been great in the Southern Owens Valley. The Owen's River ditches and canals have been producing nice fish this month, most in the 3-5lb. range. Baitfish and crawdad patterns have been best.
All we need is a few warm days in a row and it should get the ponds and carp flats going. I think it's going to happen this week, if this cold wind would stop!
Southern Owens Valley Bass Fishing
Hot Creek (Interpretive Site): There are not many trout feeding on the surface of the creek. Nymphing is the successful method of fly fishing the creek. Using a dry and a dropper is a good way to nymph fish the creek without spooking the trout with the splashing of an indicator. For the dry fly fish with a size 16 Adams parachute, size 10 Chernobyl ants and size 12 stimulator. For nymphs use size 18 olive quildigons, size 18 bead head flash back pheasant tail nymph, size 16 Frenchie’s, size 18 tiger midge and size 18 zebra midges.
Hot Creek (Canyon Section):
Nymphing with a dry and dropper has been excellent in the canyon section of Hot Creek. The trout are feeding on blue wing olive nymphs that are active on the substrate. Any blue wing olive nymph in size 16 or 18 will work. I like to fish with bead head flash back pheasant tail nymphs, olive quilldigons, Frenchie’s and
hot spot pheasant tail nymphs. Other nymphs that produce in Hot Creek in the spring are olive burlap caddis, scuds, tiger midges and zebra midges. For the dry fly in the dry and dropper rig on Hot Creek use size 16 Adams parachutes, size 10 Chernobyl ants, size 12 or 14 Stimulators and size 14 Elk Hair Caddis. The best time to fish the creek is from 9:30 to 2:00 P.M.

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