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Fishing Report

Lower Yuba River Fly Fishing Report

Lower Yuba River Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi Reports on 9.30.2019

Lower Yuba River Report

It’s been since the first week of February since I’ve guided/fished on the Lower Yuba River. Remember how it started pouring rain back then and never let up until late May. There were some pretty big flows during that deluge as well, enough to move around the cobblestones and gravel, and once again change the runs and riffles ever so slightly. That’s the Yuba River, always changing. The flows are bouncing around between 1,165 and 1,130 cubes which are very good for both walk and wade anglers, and drifters. Fishing pressure overall is light between the Highway 20 bridge and Sycamore Ranch. Remember the water upstream of the bridge is closed until December 1st to protect spawning salmon and give them a “no pressure” environment. Speaking of the salmon, I saw very few redds, and the ones I did see had no occupants around. I’ve seen this before where salmon begin to build a redd only to abandon it and keep moving upstream to construct another. We’ll see new redds on daily basis, but I think we will see a major drop in salmon returns this year, and the next upcoming four years. Why? First off, we’ll see low returns from the effects of the drought and the low flows out of Englebright dam during that time. Secondly, the high water of 2017 occurred during a time when there were still eggs in the gravel that had not hatched yet. With large amounts of the bottom substrate moving downstream you can bet those eggs were lost. You can say the same thing to a lesser extent for 2019. We shall see in the years to come what transpires, and I’m no fisheries biologist with a truck full of data, but common sense tells me there will be an impact to an already sad “State of the Salmon”.

The fishing for resident wild rainbows has been pretty good though, better than expected to be honest. The two rigs that worked best was a dry/dropper set up with a large yellow or orange Stimulator with a small flashy mayfly dropper about 24” below. My guests and I were surprised to see the Stimi get some attention with explosive top water eats, the trout most likely were taking it for a grasshopper. Your standard Valley River indo rig was really the best way to go, larger bug on top, with a smaller fly as a dropper. Adjusting the depth of the indicator and adding or subtracting weight will allow you to fine tune a run or riffle and be more successful. Effective flies were Red Copper Johns, Hogan’s S&M and Military May (dark colors), eggs, and legs (rubber legged stones). Hatches? I saw very few adult aquatics out, maybe a random caddis, or a BWO flying by – That’s it. Risers? A few “One and I’m done” here and there, nothing to make one fully commit to a dry fly rig while casting to targets (wishing for that though). Sine samples revealed lots of immature mayfly nymphs, midge larva, some Stub Wing stonefly nymphs, and the most prolific bug (as always) the free living caddis (Rhyacophila). I also saw quite a few fresh shucks of the Stub Wings on shoreline cobbles downstream of major riffles.

Now is the time I will be guiding on the Lower Yuba River, the stillwaters of Eastern Plumas County, and a the Truckee area – Yeah, I’m all over the place, but in a few months will be on the Yuba full time. There will be lots of Tours and Workshops scheduled for 2020 with fly clubs, Lost Coast Outfitters, and Baiocchi’s Troutfitters so keep an eye on my Blog, or my News page on the website for upcoming dates and rates. My trips are all about education, sharing the knowledge, and teaching my guests the skills to be successful on their own. All incoming inquiries for drift trips will be referred to my buddy and fellow guide Brian Clemens. Brian is a really good dude to spend the day with and fishy as all get out. I hire him for my yearly Trinity River trip and he never disappoints. Which reminds me, only about a month before I’m floating with him – Can’t wait!

There you have it, a real time and honest on the water report with firsthand information. Conditions will improve on a weekly basis once the river has more salmon in the system, and as we get deeper into the fall season. Don’t forget about Yuba Fest 2019 October 12th, an event that revolves around conservation, education, and an appreciation for the Lower Yuba River. See you on the water among the cobblestones…

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Lower Sacramento, Lower Yuba, and Lake Oroville Fly Fishing Report

Lower Sacramento, Lower Yuba, and Lake Oroville Fly Fishing Report
Open Guide Dates: 
Nov: 9, 23, 25-27
Dec: 7, 23, 27, 30, 31
Jan: 2, 3, 8-11, 18, 20, 
Feb: 1, 10, 15, 17, 29

Lower Sacramento River Striper fishing has been good. Water temps all over the river have come down and fish are happy and eating throughout the day down to Colusa. Salmon are in the river in good numbers and so are the salmon anglers and guides so knowing how to get away from boat traffic is very important to finding fish that will eat. Flows have not come down from their summer levels so shallow water fishing is still not an option on a regular basis but ounce we get that flow drop fall fishing should really get going and the I Lines and Type 3's will be the ticket. September and October are some of the BEST months to be on the river to chase the trophy fish and this year should be no different. Winter fishing should be good as well as long as flows hold and the river does not blow out. 

Lower Yuba River is fishing good and while I have not been on the river a bunch of my buddies have and they have talked about some good fishing, but mostly from the drift boat. Wade anglers are struggling from what I have heard. That said picking and choosing your spots will help and I am sure there are plenty of fish to be caught. 

Lake Oroville should start fishing here in the next few months and really hit its stride come November - April. Spotted bass fishing is best usually in Dec-March and is at its peak when NOTHING else is fishing! 
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Lower Yuba Fly Fishing Report

Hogan Brown reports on 5.30.19

Lower Yuba seems to maybe...don't want to jinx it...dropping a bit. It has come down from 6700cfs to around 5700cfs. The clarity is fine and there are a few people getting out and fishing the river and catching fish. As the river channel has widened over the last 2 big winters it has changed and grown to accommodate high flows so 5700cfs while it sounds big there is room to fish. 

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Lower Yuba Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi reports on 3.20.19

Spring has sprung in the Northern Sierra, and the seasons are changing. In the last week, I’ve noticed a major shift in bird migration with robins, and other songbirds seeking the foothills and higher elevations. It won’t be long before the warblers infiltrate the Sierra meadows for late spring and summer. Many rivers are high with flows but no matter if they are...

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Lower Yuba Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi reports on 1.17.19

What a storm! The wind is howling outside here in Nevada City and those conifers are flexing back and forth way too much. There has already been periods of heavy rains on Tuesday night, and as we head into the Wednesday evening we are bracing for the second wave. Up until this storm the Lower Yuba River was fishing pretty damn good. The good news is the Skwala stones...

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Lower Yuba Fly Fishing Report

Capt. Hogan Brown reports on 1.17.19

Lower Yuba River 

Spent Saturday guiding the lower yuba river. Flows were around 1100cfs, Deer Creek had dropped below 100cfs and clarity as we fished down the river went from about 2-3feet to gin clear … so river is clearing if not cleared from the last big bush of water down deer creek. We spent the whole day getting out and swinging flies on “trout spey” rods...

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Lower Yuba Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi reports on 12.6.18

Northern Sierra

11/29/2018 - Conditions remain good on the Lower Yuba River and this past week gave us some wild weather from heavy rain, to extreme wind, and a few breaks in the action. Lots of anglers out on the river yesterday, you’ll get that after a series of storms keep you inside and getting the shack nasties. The much-needed rainfall raised the river up a tad...

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Lower Yuba Fly Fishing Report

Capt. Hogan Brown reports on 12.6.18

Lower Yuba River – 

Got a few days on the Lower Yuba River over thanksgiving week and had a great time. Just plain good trout fishing. Most fish are a fat 12-14” with a few bigger fish in the mix. Flows have been pretty stable around 1000cfs which is a great flow for floating or wading OR floating and getting out of the boat to fish. There are still salmon on...

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Yuba River Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi reports on 11.16.18

Poor air quality conditions exist on the Lower Yuba River but fishing still remains decent for those that put in the work. Flows are stable at 993 cubes, just a tad up from my last report. Water is clear but not for long. 

Finally, a storm system will impact the area beginning on Wednesday, it’s been 6 months since we’ve seen the skies open up. The foothills are...

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Lower Yuba Fly Fishing Report

Capt. Hogan Brown reports on 11.26.18

Lower Yuba River - Spent a few days guiding the Yuba the last week in the rain and fishing was good. Most of the fish are a healthy 12-14" with a few bigger fish in 17-18" bracket. I am sure there are bigger and smaller fish around, but that is what I have been finding. Flows with the rain have been hovering aroud 900-1000cfs and clarity is a dirty...

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