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Yuba River Fly Fishing Report

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Dave Barbieri, Dave Barbieri Guide Service

The Yuba fished very well this week! We didn’t get any huge fish to the net, but we are getting very good numbers of fish in the 14 to 17 inch range. Flows have dropped a lot this week, to 650 cfs, and with that comes the people hatch (lots of people). Still, fishing from the boat, we were able to access some “untouched” water, and have success. 
Next week I will have a report on the Feather River steelhead fishing.

Hogan Brown, Hogan Brown Fly Fishing

Lower Yuba River – Remember The upper river above the highway 20 bridged is closed until dec.1. The flows have dropped down to 747cfs and are still dropping, not sure what the final flow is for this “Fall Drop” but I would imagine 700cfs is most likely. The river through Marysville is 533cfs. This is kind of a double edge sword…the fish that have not moved up river yet will struggle coming up the river at 533cfs but the ones that are up in the river and will be spawning here very shortly and will not see their beds de-watered and left high and dry with a flow drop. Bottom line, hope for a big winter and some early rain. The fishing should get REALLY good here over the next few weeks. The Lower Yuba sees the fall egg bit first, usually the last two weeks of September first week of October and this flow drop will really get things going on the Yuba with regards to the egg bite.

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