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Evan Praskin's Trench Bomb Fly Tying Kit
Evan Praskin's Trench Bomb Fly Tying Kit
Evan Praskin's Trench Bomb Fly Tying Kit

Hareline Dubbin Inc

Evan Praskin's Trench Bomb Fly Tying Kit

$ 60.00

SKU 20670

Evan Praskin is a flyfishing guide down in the Monterey area.  He specializes in fishing for surf perch and striped bass along our California surf and has created a couple great patterns for casting in the waves.  His trench bomb is a phenomenal mole crab pattern that can be used in any beach application.  This fly is great for surf perch but is tied on a strong enough hook to haul in a striper or six.

Materials included in the Kit: