Yosemite Fly Fishing Report
Rick Mazaira reports on 11.12.2015
Winter storms have closed Hwy 120 at Tioga Pass due to snow. Great news for us! The Lower Tuolumne and Stanislaus are also closed for the Salmon spawn till January first. Most water closes for the season on the fifteenth of November so get your last runs in.

Stanislaus River
- High Elevation- Most are areas have no access due to snow.
- Mid elevations - The middle fork has fish more activity with lakes doing well, especially the inlets make sure you have streamers handy.
- Lower - Closed.

Tuolumne River
- Upper - Hwy 120- closure at Crane Flat Fishing well below Hetch Hetchy.
- Mid Elevation- Fishing well.
- Lower Tuolumne- Closed

Merced River
Fishing well Through the mid elevations just outside Yosemite
Lower is closed
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