Yosemite Fly Fishing Report
Rick Mazaira Reports on 4.21.2016

We are expecting more water this week with the weekend storms so watching flows is critical! We are looking forward to a great season! Glacier Point road is open, it’s getting us excited about a great season!
Mokelumne- Closed till end of May.
Stanislaus- Spring pulses are starting with flows up to 1200 CFS on Sundays and lessening by Tuesdays to 600 CFS. Doing well- all subsurface with midges & #10 Stonefly nymphs.
Tuolumne- Spring pulses are starting again, look to flows before you go. Subsurface caddis & midges work well.
Basin Creek is looking great with Dry flies on the surface.
Open and with a recent release of rescue rainbow trout it is looking
better. Lots of Pike Minnows, Suckers, and when you catch a rainbow with
a tracking tag on it know it is a rescue fish and keep it in the water.
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