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Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

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Matt “Gilligan” Koles reports on 4.27.2016

The Truckee River is in great shape, fishing well, and only getting better as we are getting closer to summer.

Flows are down to around 600 cfs here in the Hirsch. Friends, that is perfect. Flows have dropped out of Donner and Prosser Res’s. There is nothing coming out of Boca yet. Flows will come back up with some warm weather. Remember, there’s still a shit ton of snow that has not melted. We are at normal historical run-off, meaning, we will see a good run-off still. Right now look for flows to get lower before they come back up again with snow melt and eventually releases from Boca.

What’s this mean? Well, fish are spread out, water is still cold, but fish aren’t plied up in the same winter type shit anymore. You can find them just about anywhere and everywhere. Pocket water, bank water, etc, etc.

Lot’s of bugs too. Blue wings and march browns, skwalas, and some early caddis.

The streamer game should get better now as fish are spread and the water is warmer, they should start chasing. Stay committed though, streamer fishing is not for the impatient angler, especially on this river.

I have a few spot lefts for the streamer clinic on June 5th, that’s it.

The 11th annual Fishmas Eve is this Friday night in Truckee. All proceeds go to our TU chapter #103. I cannot attend this year, but it’s a good time and a great raffle.

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