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Jordan Romney on Spey Casting

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Jordan Romney, Jordan Romney Fly Fishing

Over the past several years I have been working hard on myself dialed swinging flies for steelhead with spey rods.  While the journey and learning curve have made the challenge rewarding it is now time to add this to my guide arsenal.  Over the years I’ve had great mentors to watch and learn from on the correct application of this technique.  I have always been a proponent on only guiding techniques that I have mastered and it’s time for me to start passing on my knowledge and experiences.  

I must give a disclaimer that spey casting is highly addictive and will ruin you.  Two handers have really taken off over the past couple of years but you need to make sure you are getting into it for the right reasons.  If you are the type of person who likes to just go fishing then you are a perfect candidate.  If it is all about the numbers then you may not be in the right aisle.  Your production in terms of numbers of fish will diminish but you will never have more fun fishing this way even if you do not catch a fish.  Once you get your first grab you will never go back.  There truly is no more enjoyable way to fish a steelhead run then two stepping with spey rod.  

Following in the footsteps of one of the greatest spey rod teachers ever, I am offering lessons on the American River in Sacramento.  A 3-hour lesson is about all you need to get yourself a jump start in the right direction.  The American River is a lovely river for swinging flies with long gravel bars with a ton of room to practice.  The fishing can be tough out there swinging flies so I have always used it as my warm up river before I go on trips.  Give the shop a call and set up an appointment and lets get you into the swing of things (pun intended).

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