Eastern Sierra Fly Fishing Report

Jim Stimson Reports on 11.21.2019
We received our first significant snowfall of the winter last night. Currently, all of the major mountain passes have closed; Tioga, Sonora, and Monitor. Tioga could be closed for the season unless we have another sustained period of warm, dry weather. The general trout season closed on November 15th. Make sure you are aware of the local regulations, as some streams stay open year around but other have closed. In general the fishing has slowed down. Just get yourself into the mindset of grinding away on good runs, being patient, expect less trout, and enjoy your surroundings.
East Walker
The East Walker is dribbling along at 21 cfs. Until the river flows pick up, I recommend giving this fishery a rest…..
West Walker
The river has dropped considerably thru the canyon and is at 40 cfs. Try patterns like zebra midges and small mayflies. Dry droppers work really well at these flows.
San Joaquin
The road to Devil’s Postpone is closed for the season.
Hot Creek
The creek is flowing through the canyon at roughly 50 cfs. Target your casts to the feeding lanes between the weeds and rocks, plus the overhanging grasses along the margins. You may not see fish, but they are there. Try a dry-dropper setup with a caddis above and a midge or small mayfly below. Hot Creek is always a fun place to fish especially now that the crowds have gone home.
Upper Owens River
Just a reminder, the Upper Owens is closed for the season BELOW the bridge to the reservoir. The flows are 111 cfs but these are readings taken high in the river system. Once Hot Creek dumps into the mid-section the flows are closer to over 160 cfs. More and more trout are pushing up into the river system from the reservoir. There are some really nice fish to be had with SJ worms, small baetis, and balanced leeches. Work the deeper buckets relentlessly…. they are in there.
Lower Owens River
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has finally lowered their flushing flows through the Gorge and below Pleasant Valley Reservoir. The river is running steady at roughly 144 cfs and is fishing well with all of the traditional patterns; PT’s, Hare’s Ears, midges, caddis worms…. got out there!
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