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Dave Neal’s Nor Cal Fly Fishing Report

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Dave Neal reports on 6/2/2016

Green light… Go! That is my advice. Many of our mountain freestone and tailwaterish rivers here in Northern California are shaping up nicely. And, the two big spring creeks of the area are also fishing well.  I would highly suggest you plan a fly fishing trip soon to hit either the McCloud, Upper Sac, Pit River, Hat Creek or Fall River… or all 5 if you can swing it. These amazing wild trout waters are all ripening up as you read this report and some of the best fishing of the season (that of the dry fly variety) is poised to go off soon!

I’ve been bouncing around this week like a hungry man in a grocery store, up and down all the aisles and back around again. I’ve wetted my wading boots with clients on the Upper Sac, McCloud, Pit River, Lower Sac and Hat Creek… Lots of bugs are out, golden stones, giant salmonfly, little yellow stones, if you’re lucky you may stumble into some drakes, the lower elevation reaches are showing good numbers of pmd’s and ped’s, and caddis… there are many bugs active and the fish are too, especially from 3pm till dark. Some of the best dry fly fishing of the summer will be happening in the afternoon and evenings these next few weeks. If you don’t get out there and experience it for yourself you will be relegated to reading about it every Thursday on the LCO fish report!!

I’m still fishing the Lower Sac a few days a week and the big river still produces some epic days, although the days are getting a bit hotter in the boat so try and get out and wade a riffle if you can. Lots of big, strong, wild trout hit the net this week. Evening dry fly sessions have been awesome with emerging mayflies and rusty spinnerfall, along with caddis getting active making these fish go nuts.

Summer has arrived. Though it doesn’t officially start for a few more weeks, summer weather has paid a visit this week. It’s been a bit of a shock going from 60’s and 70’s to 90’s and 100’s, but we all knew it would happen soon. I fished with a couple buddies today and we explored some beautiful water on the Upper Sac – lots of golden stones and salmonflies are out!!! Forewarning, we decided to wet wade instead of wadering up and this was a good decision. The water felt great. Don’t forget your wading staff and dry shake powder and screw a few studs in those boots while you’re packing.

I have some days open in June and love to take you fishing, now is the time you have been waiting for:

June: 1, 10-13, 20, 21, 27, 

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