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Fly Fisher's Guide to Wyoming

Anglers Book Supply

Fly Fisher's Guide to Wyoming

$ 29.95

SKU 753

This book covers all of the major fly fishing rivers, including the Snake, Green, Shoshone, Popo Agie, New Fork, Clark s Fork of the Yellowstone, Wind, Salt, Hoback, Gros Ventre, Encampment, North Platte, and more. There is a special section on the famous flyfishing waters of Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton Park. The famous Yellowstone, Lamar, Slough Creek, Madison, Firehole, Gibbon, Upper Snake, Gallatin, Fall, and Bechler Rivers are covered. There are over 70 detailed maps of the waters, along with hatch charts, recommended flies, and how and when to fish these waters. There are listings for guides, fly shops, motels, and campgrounds. This is the ideal book to plan your flyfishing trip to Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park.