Yosemite Report 6/4/15

The high elevations of Yosemite are accessible and beautiful with good
water flows and fish that are more that willing to take a dry fly and
with Gin clear water sight fishing with nymphs is a rush. With a
willingness to hike two to three miles you can start fishing stretches
of water and be all alone, with vistas that are spectacular. Just be
mindful of the typical sierra afternoon shower.

The Merced- drainage is fishing well, with either dries or nymphs. Water flows are typical of mid to late July.

through the 120 corridor is doing well, watch the water being off color
after storms which will make you fish a size bigger and sub surface.
The south fork of the Tuolumne has consistent water due to Hetch Hetchy
flows and is open through Tuolumne meadows.
Stanislaus- Higher elevations are open and fishing well, Kennedy Meadows is in full swing!
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