Upper Sac & McCloud River Fly Fishing Report
Rick Cox at Ted Fays Fly Shop Reports on 8.17.2015
We are currently in the belly of the Dog Daze beast here in Dogpatch but as I have emphasized before we at least have plenty of water in our rivers for you low water deprived souls who dream of better days past. Conditions are fine, fish are bringing smiles to those who are out there giving it a go and The Ted Fay Fly Shop is open for your business. Get your ass in gear and get up here.
The McCloud River
The McCloud River is finally showing promising signs of fishability, not to be mistaken for spookability. The fishability meter is rising (finally clearing enough) and the spookability meter is falling (colored enough so you can shake their hand almost). The visibility is a cloudy 2 feet so scaring them (spookability) is nil. A recent recon by Buster and myself produced a decent day of hooking and catching as shown in the pics. Caution wading though, the fishability factor (low vis) kicks in. The fish seem to be in normal and abnormal lies, thus their spookability meter is low. You tired of this #@!$bility crap yet? We ran nymphs mostly (with and without a bobbercator) with a few locations offering streamer opportunities.
The Upper Sacramento
The Upper Sacramento has been surprisingly steady for early and late fishing. The lower river has cooled enough such that an early morning spent there can be rewarding. Most of the action though is from Sims up river. Seems to me we are having a mild summer after a scary heat wave start to it. New fly fishers John, Zack, Rebecca, Pablo, Royd and Cate all had successful outings with me over the last few weeks …. valuable instruction to carry forth as they venture into the fly fishing world … rest their souls, they will never be the same. Fish are hanging in the oxygenated water mostly, get it down (weights) into their neighborhood and you will be rewarded.
My annual Montana vacation will be coming soon so the Ted Fay/Dogpatch fishing report will not be around to tickle your vicarious habits. I will be living the dream once again with fellow trout bums Buster and Derf. If you desire I will once again be posting fish and pastry porn as we drool our way around southwest Montana …. http://rickcox1.wordpress.com
Recommended Bugs …..
Nymphs : Dark Lords #14-16, Soft Hackles #14-16, S&M #16-18, Zebra Midge #18-20, Rock Worm #18, FBPT #16-18, Micro Mayfly (blk.) #16-18, Jimmy Legs #4-10, Gordon Prince #14-16, Possie Bugger #8-10, Copper John (red & copper) #14-16
Dries : X-Caddis #16, EC Caddis #16, Parachute Adams #14-16, Stimulator #8-14
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