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Upper Sac and McCloud River Fly Fishing Report

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Bucko Theriot Reports on 5.26.2016

The fishing is good in Siskiyou County right now and should start to see the bugs get going again. The weather up here was pretty crazy the last couple days. We had thunderstorms and some heavy downpours  while on the river. The golden-stones weren’t really out due to the weather, but with nice weather starting from today on should get them out in good numbers. The Upper Sac is currently flowing at 483 cfs, which is up from yesterday flows at 462; the recent storms gave it a little jump in flows but should come back down. Top bug choices: rubberlegs, caddis, and prince nymphs. Dries: stimulators, parachute Adams, and mercers missing link.

The McCloud River was pretty awesome this week and one day had the Conservency to ourselves. The nymph game was strong in the morning and early afternoon then slowed down. But the dry fly action was great in the Afternoon and last light. The big stoneflies should be flying around in good numbers this week. Try throwing dry droppers. Top bug choices: rubberlegs, caddis, and prince nymphs. Dries: stimulators, parachute Adams, and mercers missing link.

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