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Truckee/Tahoe Fly Fishing Report

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Matt “Gilligan” Koles Reports on 7.30.2015

Flows on the Little Truckee River have now dropped to 21 cfs. To low to fish in my opinion. Please stay off the Little Truckee River and the main Truckee River until flows come up.

Not sure how long flows will stay this low on the LT. Word was they were to come up 150 cfs until August 15th?

We all knew it was going to be a tough summer.

I like the mis-information being handed out by people. The Truckee River will come back when we get some water. It will not take 2 years, or 5 years, or whatever. As soon as we get fall rains, it will fish, trust me. I will prove it of course.

We only have a few weeks left, maybe 3, until overnight lows cool things back off. I still am not going to fish the Truckee River for trout until flows come up.

Carp: This is the main deal now. That’s where all my emphasis has been placed. Sure there’s a few good lakes that have been fishing, like one, but carp are the real deal. To put someone onto a carp that has never caught one, is an eye opening experience for them. They fight hard, and will break rods, serious.

Remember, I have 2 clinics on the 1st, and the 8th on the lower Truckee River. If you need any carp gear, flies, lines, etc. and are in the Reno area hit up the Reno Fly Shop. Jim and Mike can get you set up to hit the river. Also my boys at Lost Coast have you covered in the Bay Area.

Pyramid Lake opens October 1st, be prepared for one of the best falls in decades.

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