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Matt “Giligan” Koles Reports on 6.25.15:

It’s looking like California Dept of Fish and Wildlife is going to close drought stricken rivers in California by next week. The Truckee River will of course be on that list. Thank God the state is doing something about this because I was about to loose my mind seeing people still fishing the Truckee River, most especially in the afternoons.

Flows have been bumped up coming out of Boca and the river is 100 cfs here in the Hirsch. A survivable flow for my beloved fish in the Truckee as long as we don’t F with them, being catch them. It is June 20th, we’ll have a few critical months to go before overnight lows will cool the water this fall.

The Little Truckee River, though the water is low, the water is still cold. I took a water temp at noon the other day and it was 56 degrees. I’m not saying run out and fish the LT, but I really don’t have any problems seeing people fishing or guiding it. Remember, even on a normal water year flows would be cut to 30 cfs all fall, which is what the river is at right now. Good luck out there, those fish have a phd, and it takes some skills right now to catch them at these flows.

Most of my time I have been fishing/ guiding in my other places and having a shit ton of fun. Fish on dries all day long, yes. Crik’n in some awesome ass country, yes. There is all kinda stuff out there, trust me.

So if you’re coming up to Lake Tahoe this summer, I have some cool places to take you, just not the Truckee River for now.

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