Truckee River Fly Fishing Report

Jon Baiocchi reports on 2.17.2016
I spent another couple of days wading in the Truckee River
free fishing on my own the past few days which does not happen very often of
late, and I’m so appreciative of being able to. The weather was too nice, so
good that just sitting on the bank listening to the river was good enough for
me. I did not do as well as last week mostly because I did not put in that many
casts, and instead relished the good company I was with. Water temps ranged
from 45 to 48 degrees, the trout seem to be spread out, but some areas of the
river with slow deep water with a little current and foam line are holding big
numbers of fish. There were tons of midges out, no clusters on the surface that
I saw, and no heads showing as well. Bummer.

Nymphing is the most productive way to get into them right now whether you’re high sticking, using a bobber, or swinging soft hackles. When in doubt, add more weight and lengthen the distance from your bobber to your weight placement. That small adjustment can make a world of difference on the Truckee River. Top flies right now are dark baetis patterns in olive, brown, and black, red and flesh Juan worms, and tiny Zebra Midges. 18 to 24” of snow is forecasted for upper elevations with this current storm, and the region will be back into winter for a few days. Word from the Italian forecaster on Donner Summit is the long range model will change with a wetter pattern near March 1st after a period of dry weather. Typically March and April are strong months during an El Nino event, but just what is typical weather in our modern world these days? See ya on the water…

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