Trinity River Fly Fishing Report

The Trinity River fished pretty well last weekend but then seemed to get tougher and tougher for the later part of this week. Water down through Junction City was in great shape (until yesterday) holding good color and on a slow drop each day. There did not seem to be many fish around and the few that were biters were spread out.
Most guide boats I talked with that gave honest assessments were around 0 – 3 real steelhead to the net each day, with a few halfies thrown in. For some anglers a chance at hooking 1-3 might be an awesome day… for others it might not be worth the all day effort required. What can I say? It’s steelhead fishing…
With rain forecasted all this week I would put the river below Weaver Creek in the “tenuous odds” category. It’s gonna be day-to-day but I wouldn’t count on it being very fishable until it stops raining for at least 48 hours.
If Rush Creek manages to stay clear the very upper reaches around Lewiston may remain fishable. The question would be, whether there’s fishable numbers of fish up there? The further downriver you go the more tribs you get below…
We floated in DC yesterday and the river got pretty dirty in the afternoon from Weaver Creek down. It wasn’t flowing very high, but dirtied up quickly – so there may have been a mudslide somewhere. Also, there were a few new trees in the river and I saw at least 3 others that are one fart away from uprooting and becoming aquatic structure. Be careful drifting and look ahead. Might be a good idea to throw a chainsaw or at least a good hand-saw in the boat.
Above Indian Creek the color looked great! So for the die-hards… Old Bridge in Lewiston to Indian Creek water might fish for those who just need to get out there. We don’t have many fishable options right now in Northern California.
Looking ahead, we have many days left this month and some good opportunities for winter steelhead fishing in February. It can’t possibly rain forever, right? As soon as the river has some fishable water I’ll be back on the water. If you want to jump in my boat get a hold of me and we can discuss some plans.
Next open dates: Feb 6-13
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