Sac Valley Fly Fishing Report
Hogan Brown reports on 5.11.17

Fishing Report
Lower Sac striper fishing – Flows have come up again but so has water diversion, so it somewhat equals out – 16000cfs at Ord Bend – 13500cfs at Keswick. The canals are pumping a TON of water! Fishing for stripers has been hit and miss. There is a TON of migratory fish around but they were on the spawn last week so that shut the bite down and the clarity below some place between Woodson and Irvine Finch goes from good to like a 1’ for some reason…May go look this week if I get a chance. May is a great month for multi species fishing on the Sac. Last week we got smallmouth bass, largemouth, blue gill, and stripers. Fishing should be pretty dang good this month and only get better over the next month. This summer is going to be AMAZING striper fishing.
Carp and bass fishing has been pretty decent to if you can find clear, back waters…fishing the creeks coming in on foot has been best for carp and bass and a few of the flats are clearing. Carp fishing is going to be really cool this year with all the flats cleaned out and full of water.
If anyone wants dates there are only a few left and these will book soon…after the dates are full I will be booking Captain’s Chuck Ragan ( and Darrin Deel
My open Dates:
June 27, 28, 30
July 6, 8, 11, 19, 22, 24
August 19, 26,
Sept 2, 23
Shad Report – I can’t say that I have much faith for a good shad season. Shad need to see the fly and the clarity around the area I guide for shad is not really that good as it relates to shad fishing. There may be some options above Woodson if you can get above what ever is muddying the river up. No idea yet as I have been mainly focusing on stripers and bass.
Lower Sac Trout Fishing – The flows dropped down to 7K but have sense come up to 13.5K which is a good flow. Will need to do longer floats, but that is kinda nice as you cover more water and just don’t have to back row the same runs. Clarity is pea soup but the tribs like cow creek and a few other are dumping clean water so the clarity is a lake issue. Fish are mainly eating beads, rubber legs, and occasionally nymphs. I fished Anderson to Balls this last weekend and things have CHANGED dramatically on that float! I would say 30% of the water is completely different. We got some nice fish and landed some numbers but there was a good number of places where I was clueless where to fish as it was all new. As tail water trout fishing the Sac is really the only option right now and fishing should be good down through Bend but I am not sure if anyone has gone down to fish it yet.
Lower Yuba River – Flows come up and down…every time I think they are going to get close to 3-4K the river blows out again. I am sure this will be a late June/early July year for the Yuba with all the snow melt coming down.
Capt. Hogan Brown
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