Northern California Fly Fishing Report

Wild Waters Fly Fishing Reports on 7.1.20
McCloud River

The McCloud River is still fishing great. The Golden Stones are around along with their little cousins the Mayflies and Caddis. The weather just passed through a very hot patch and is now very temperate and mild. Wet wading has been the method of choice with nymphing both with the bobbercator and without most productive. Come late afternoon when the shadows creep in as the sun dips behind the canyon ridges you will see fish rising, not necessarily everywhere but if you put in the work you will find the spots. The river is in perfect shape and beckons you. Give us a shout for one of our excellent McCloud River guides.
Upper Sacramento River

The Upper Sacramento is in its summer time mode and fishing very good. This river offers many options on where to fish in its 35 miles off access. The golden stones are still around from Dunsmuir up to New Springs if you are inclined to chase them. From Dunsmuir down river you can find top action in the last hour of the day with PMD and caddis flies. Nymphing is the best method though, think as your weapons of choice LBS from New down to Sims, and from Sims down think caddis imitations like the Fox Puppa and birds nest. We've had excellent results in the pocket water and faster more oxygenated current so put on your spurs and get out into that nasty stuff, you'll be surprised. We have some excellent Upper Sac guides available if you are looking for a fun day on this beautiful freestone river.
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