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McCloud River Fly Fishing Report

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John Rickard at Wild Waters Fly Fishing Reports on 7.12.17

The McCloud has some color which scares many anglers away but with some adjusted techniques it can fish very well. This is the time of the year when we are worried about Mud Creek’s affect on the upper river and reservoir. Despite the glacial melt, the last few days have seen some really nice fish in the net. There are some big browns showing up throughout the river system from Bollibokka to the dam. But its the famous McCloud River Rainbow that draws anglers from all over. Those fat bows can make your day and are taking back over the feeding lane after last weeks Full Moon. Sadly, there are very few bugs around, dry fly fisherman should focus on attractor patterns, caddis and yellow sallies. Nymphers should cover plenty of water and consider the visibility when picking the depth and color of their fly. The water is great for wet wading, but with less visibility its hard to know if your next step is safe unless its a step you’ve taken before. We would love to show you around.



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