Lower Sacramento Fly Fishing Report
Aaron Grabiel reports on 5.10.18
Lower Sacramento
The Lower Sacramento continues to fish extremely well. This year-round fishery never ceases to amaze me. I have been focusing on two different floats. One being from Park Marina to Anderson River Park where I have been fishing a 5-7ft leader and using a Cinnamon Foxes Poopah and Birds Nest, Ink Thing, and Mercers Epoxy Back PMD. I have been fishing a Dinsmore SSG and AAA.
Fish have been averaging 17 inches on this float. The second float has been from Anderson to Balls Ferry I have been fishing a Brown Rubber Leg size 10, a Cinnamon Foxes Poopah, and a small standard Prince. There is also very good dry-dropper fishing in the shallow water using a Chubby Chernobyl, Brown Rubber Leg and a Birds Nest. Fish have been averaging 14 inches on this float. HarvestWild operates under a Shasta Trinity National Forest Service Permit as well as a BLM permit
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