Lower Sacramento Fly Fishing Report
Anthony Carruesco reports on 5.17.18
Lower Sac
The Lower Sac continues to be the consistent powerhouse that she is. Late morning hatches of PMDs and Caddis have been gettin’ the fish eating. Don’t panic if you haven’t hooked a bunch of fish before lunch. When the bugs have started to come off later in the morning and in the early afternoon, the fish have been pretty damn grabby.

Flows on their way up to 9,500 cubes. Bring it - we love the higher flows of summertime. I’ll say it again - these fish are insanely healthy right now. We’ve been seeing our back at least once a day recently. I’m unaware of a trout population in the Lower 48 that has comparable genetics anywhere close to these fish. It’s shaping up to be a great summer season here.

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