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Lower Sac Striper Report

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Hogan Brown Reports on 6.1.2017

Lower Sac Striper - Fishing has been good to very good for medium size 3-8lbs stripers. There are schools of schoolie size migratory fish around and the resident 8-10lb fish that can’t fit a shad down their throat are starting to get active as temps move up to 65 around midday. Visibility is about 2-2.5’, flows at Ord Bend are 12478cfs, water temps are ranging from 62-66. As the shad move up river and thin out the bigger resident fish will began to get more active and we will start to catch a good distribution of fish throughout the day and get our shots at the trophy fish the river is known for.

This is going to be a great striper season and one that could see some of the best fishing of the last decade. Don’t miss out. I have limited dates available but am booking 2 other licensed and insured coast guard captains so if one of the below dates doesn’t fit your schedule one of my other Capt. can get you out on the river.

Shad fishing on the Sac is poor to fair at best. During high water years the shad move up river fast. Not holding for very long in anyone spot. I have had a few decent evenings but more often then not I am covering a lot of water to catch a few fish and by the end have given up and and am fishing top water for largemouth or stripers.

June 28.
July 2, 6, 8, 11, 19, 22, 24
August 19, 26,
Sept 2, 4, 23,

Capt. Hogan Brown

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