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Lake Davis Fly Fishing Report

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Jon Baiocchi / Baiocchi’s Troutfitters Reports on 9.14.2015

Lake levels continue to drop exposing some very interesting terrain for the trout stalker making presentations off the bank. Water temperatures this past weekend were 63 in a foot of water at 9am, rising to 68 by 3pm. Keep in mind there are cooler water temps at 10 to 18 feet down during the middle of the day. Rainbows are coming into the shallows to feed on Blood midge, followed by a good Callibaetis hatch from 10am to 2pm. On my last trip, we never tied on a nymph, the trout were sucking down my blood midge emerger with zero refusals. Yeah, it was all dry flies, and many fish were hooked in a foot of water, right off the bank with very short casts. It was so awesome! Fishing pressure was very light with nobody around for miles. There is a problem with thick mud on certain shorelines, so thick, you sink up to your knees. Look for the harder clay bank areas if you intend to wade. With air temperatures cooling back down, and a small system with rain in the forecast, conditions should only get better. See ya out there.

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