Deschutes & Owyhee River
Cory Godell reports on 5.11.2016
Deschutes River
Trout -
The Salmon fly hatch is starting to ramp up. The bugs are scattered throughout the entire lower Deschutes River. But we are still several days before primetime kicks in. Do to the better than average winter we just had, it should help keep our salmon flies around longer and the fishing should be good through a chunk of June this year.
Steelhead -
It’s never to early to start thinking about steelhead. We are under three months away from the start of another steelhead season. The steelhead usually start showing up in good numbers on the Deschutes starting around the first part of August. Once they show up, the steelhead fishing can fish good right on through November.
Owyhee River
Even though the big dries are done on the Owyhee right now doesn’t mean there done for the year. Come August through most of September is when we get to fish big hoppers and beetles. So if you like fishing big dries on a small river for brown trout, give us a shout. We have limited openings that time year.
We offer one day trips and over night camp trips.
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