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Delta Smallmouth Bass Report

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Bryce Tedford Reports on 7.27.2017

Topwater Smallmouth is still going strong in the North Delta & should last through Sept. Largemouth can also be good but you need to be out there very early in the am or very late in the pm for Topwater action. Stripers should show back up in the Delta sometime in Aug. but for now I would chase Stripers in the cooler rivers, out in the SF Bay or in San Luis Reservoir/O'Neil Forebay.

Smallmouth has been great for getting newer anglers into Fly Fishing & hooked on the sport! With Smallmouth everyone gets plenty of casting practice, fishing practice & hooking practice as Smallmouth are readily available & great for honing your skills.

We primarily target Smallmouth with 4-5wt Rods & size 6 poppers in various colors. Also, when the fish shy off the poppers we use popper droppers. Popper droppers consist of a popper 1st & dropping weighted patterns 12-18" from the popper hook. These droppers can include small wooly buggers, crawdads, bead head nymphs & Carey specials to keep the Smallmouth biting when the sun gets high.

Smallmouth Fly Fishing should last through September until the Stripers become readily available, get your bass on!

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