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Delta Fly Fishing Report

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Bryce Tedford Reports on 8.23.2017

Delta Smallmouth & Largemouth are still going strong & should last through Sept. Stripers will likely get rolling in September & be very prevalent in October & November. Guides are already booking Fall Stripers so don’t wait to book if you want a prime date with the few Fly Fishing Guides on the Delta!

Smallmouth are great for getting newer anglers into Fly Fishing & hooked on the sport! With Smallmouth everyone gets plenty of casting practice, fishing practice & hooking practice as Smallmouth are readily available & great for honing your skills.

Largemouth are great as well but require anglers to hit smaller targets, throw larger rods & flies into heavily weeded areas. That said, the explosion of a hungry Largemouth on top is well worth the effort!  

Smallmouth & Largemouth should last through September until the Stripers become readily available. If your planning to get a guide for prime Striper dates in October or November then now is the time to book!

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