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Delta Fly Fishing Report

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Delta Fly Fishing Report

Captain Bryce Tedford Reports on 10.9.2019

Prime Delta Striper fishing is just getting rolling! Oct.-Dec 15 is typically very, very good on the Delta & it’s nice to have such an amazing fishery in our back yard. This week is super windy but in a few days the winds will subside, the temperatures will become a mild 70-80 degree high &

Fall fishing will be in full swing. Fall is my favorite time of the  year on the Delta as it is the most predictable time of the year & the fishing is generally pretty good.

As for now, Striper fishing is beginning to pickup, schools of smaller fish can be found throughout the Delta. These fish are generally feeding on Threadfin Shad 2-4” long. I like to use various crease flies or gurglers on top when I find feeding schools of fish. In addition to Crease flies, smaller Chartreuse/white clouser flies will always get the job done. This time of year is fun in that you can boat around the Delta & look for feeding turns & seagulls. Underneath these birds will be bait balls of Threadfin Shad & under those will be Stripers & Largemouth feeding. These smaller Stripers/Largemouth(12-18”) are super fun on light rods & a great way to get into Striper fishing! In addition, some Large Stripers can be found here & there if you are willing to work for them & go find them. Some days I have got into many 3-5lb fish with some larger fish mixed in, other days the larger fish have been tough to locate. For large Striper hunting I like Intermediate, type 3 & type 6 sinking lines with large Steve Adachi style Clouser rattle flies in various colors.

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